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26.05.2003 Phara dar slain! by Nineveh

Though we have yet to progress any further in the highly elaborate storyline within the Planes of Power, we have been far from inactive. In lieu of the recent allowance of gating spells in Veeshans Peak it was decided to pay the once considered tier4 zone a visit, about three years post of its prime.

The eerie feel of exploration and challenge was all but gone, as was only to be expected, though it was still quite the apprechiated reciprocal of countless cr's resulting from Hoshkar Gating, hours of clearing see invis guardian wurms, to mention some of the dreaded quaLities that Veeshans Peak once had. I have taken the liberty of adding a link to the first encounter I personally ever experienced in VP, as returning brought a certain nostalgic stirr, Silverwing Nov 2000


Phara dar Phara dar

We have not given the Coirnav encounter a new attempt as of yet, though our tactic stands readier than ever before, and while awaiting the availability of the avatar of water, Xegony was bested once again, along with the tyrant of fire.

In addition to some new members, we also welcome the return of Shah from his dormant existence as a student, comments to the quote section, I will get you next time Yrgass!

Xegony Fennin

checklist when killing a mob: fix aggro, set ch ch

sometimes i wish i had made a female dark elf, the

divine intervention

hope this is last fight, parents almost home. need

The Artist Formerly Known as the Burning Prince at

Haillon - move to poa plz, we will start as soon k

ill kill u :|

shut up, you wanted raids, now ere doing dresolik!

its my guild, i can ninja whatever i feel like

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