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30.07.2003 The Rathe Council slain by Nineveh

As most have probably noticed, these pages have remained rather idle as of late. There comes a time in every guilds planar progression where certain obstacles have a tendency to halt motivation and the jovial aspects of the game, and those of you who have faced the Rathe Council know for a fact how disconsolate this particular encounter is.

On our fourth day of attempting to successfully control all twelve council members we finally managed to spawn the illusive Avatar of Earth himself, and whilst preparing the mob decided to blithely roam into our camp where a totally unprepared, unbuffed raidforce was caught haughtily off guard. Nevertheless, this mob is neither known for his area effect or his melee damage output, thus the final minutes passed with ease as the realization of victory dawned upon those present in the stronghold of the twelve.

The Rathe Council The Rathe Council

Words can hardly describe the feeling of relief experienced once seeing such an encounter beaten, fairly certain I can safely assume an ubiquitous enraptured feeling had the entire guild ceased for a few moments after succeeding. The Coirnav encounter bested us at 40% on our closest attempt so far, but boosted with confidence and knowing the last obstacle on our way to time lies within the plane of water, I fear having to write another update rather soon.

You have slain A Rathe Councilman!

lol trickin albino-scandinavians

GUILD MOTD: Haillon - Change of plans: POG for tun

Let chanters handle charmed players, they are not

the key to killing Cornaiv=fishing (200)

OMFG RF just TOTALLY owned Blazzax, they position

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