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After many a completed ring event within the plane of earth, access to the stronghold of the twelve was obtained this monday. We eagerly await the challenges within the deeper parts of this particular elemental plane, although I remain fairly certain the eagerness is mostly related to the feeling of not having to complete another ring in the earthen badlands based on flagging necessities.

Most of you have seen the model for the magician earth pet, thus instead of depicting the Final Arbitor, I will use the occation to welcome two servertransfers to Antonius Bayle, namely Thadew from Erollisi Marr and Galiaan from The Nameless. Galiaan appears to have familiarized himself rather well with the role of the rangers of Raging Fury. Give them both a warm welcome.

Thadew Ggaliaan's corpse

Commencing the quote section this time, which is rather limited due to somewhat reduced playtime as of late, with a follow up from the mention of Huneyy's death in Lower Guk, in addition to a definite sign of having spent too much time within the plane of fire when the following witticisms occur:

so did you read the newspage today?

We're asia. Dicksize doesn't matter at all. It's h

Fennin Ro the Tyrant of Fire's corpse says, Respaw

AM left?

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