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19.04.2010 Sunday afternoon double feature by Imrahil

OK, this Sunday afternoon Raging Fury had a really nice show going on. For the past few weeks we had been working on Brath (aka the big bad golem event) and the Cliknar Guardians (aka ants).

We had had Brath at 45 percent on Tuesday and on 4 percent on Thursday, so we were quite optimistic that today he would fall. Being the leet minimum-DPS-guild we have been known as for ages (5 pallies in the raid FTW!) we managed to wipe at 0 percent on the first go today, but on the second run we did better and he finally fell on his face.

Feeling brave after this victory we thought "why not visit those pesky insects and exterminate them?" so we moved to Arthicrex and after some fine tuning on the execution we managed to make it two first kills on one day - a real Sunday afternoon double feature!

Afterwards we went for a fast look at the Cliknar Queen herself, but she was a bit annoyed about the havoc we brought to her underlings and gave us a royal spanking. Well, 3 in a row would have been too much I guess, although it would have saved me the trouble of having to write another news update soon.

PS: We have filled some of the open spots lately with some nice and skilled new folks, but there are still some slots open, especially for

Druids, Clerics, Wizards and Rogues

We do accept applications from exceptional players from most of the other classes as well, so speak to our recruiters Illandra, or Nalelini or talk to an officer.

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