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Dear revered reader of the Raging Fury news!

I am rather proud of myself! I have managed to reach a new level of slackness by giving you the last news from 2014 almost four weeks into 2015 - a new record even by my standards!

There have been different reasons why the number of news has been extremely low, some of them indeed strictly related to my personal life, but part of the praise for this new level of sloth belongs to SOE also, as they are continuing down the road of smaller releases when it comes to the raid game. It simply does not make me very enthusiastic to post about one of five raids in total, even though I have to admit that these raids are not a simple "walk in the park", not at all. Raging Fury has beaten the first three events so far even though we reduced our raid days quite a bit during the last days of 2014 due to the celebrations going on at that time of year.

Also there was our traditional RL meeting in Nottingham again in December, organized once again by our dear Illandra, where the loot was simply far better than some old dusty Breastplate in a chest in Arx!

But why don't you judge by yourself, would YOU pass on delicious Tapas, pitchers of Long Island Ice Tea and the company of friendly folks like these?

RL Meeting in Nottingham: Las Iguanas

Well, as it was so nice on Friday evening, we simply had to travel around the world on Saturday at the Red Hot World Buffet after watching the last Hobbit movie together in IMAX. Sorry, but whatever battles we fight in EverQuest, they cannot compete (at least not for me).

RL Meeting in Nottingham: Red Hot World Buffet

To be perfectly honest, EverQuest doesn't have the same appeal to me as it once had, but meeting people from around Europe (or from the states for that matter *waves to the folks from the meeting in Vegas in October*) just shows what a tremendous impact it has had on many people over the years. Those friendships keep me in a game that is certainly neither as beautiful in its graphics nor as modern as so many other games. EverQuest simply has a community unparalleled in any other game I have tried out so far and to me that is a very important part of it.

Anyway, back to the current expansion, The Darkened Sea.

Some long time players will have noticed the similarity of the name to The Buried Sea from 2007 - and certain aspects indeed have been taken over, for example the small number of raids (mind you, back then expansions were coming out twice a year and "low" meant 7 events in TBS versus 5 in TDS). Oh, and if you wondered. no there is still no "ship-to-ship-combat", which was promised us back then in 2007 - what a surprise!

As written before we have only beaten 3 out of 5 raids, but as to this time this is a fate shared by most guilds in EverQuest we aren't too depressed (yet). The usual suspects from ROI have finished it quite some time ago, so my customary congratulation once again to them - well done!

We ourselves have been working on event 4 and I hope we will see some progress there soon, but our members get distracted so easily and then log in late:

Attractive Neighbours!

Of course our raid leaders and officers are ALWAYS focused:

Wax on!

Well OK, maybe not always, but we do stick to a topic, once we work on it!

Wax Off!

All in all we are simply doing some magic though to make Raging Fury a fun place to be:

Bunnies are magical!

Want to be a part of a guild which has fun while raiding (maybe sometimes too much fun?), then contact Fehu, Dantius or Illandra or one of the officers, we have spots in many classes open.

OK; this is the last news update for 2014, I shall see, what I can do about 2015. Expect an update upon finishing the expansion at least (yes, that IS a promise!)

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