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We are currently looking for an additional 4-5 members to fill our ranks, check the recruitment section for further details, Magicians do not hesitate to apply!

On the drawing board, Zi-Thuuli must have seemed like a highly original event, the live version is sadly a total reciprocal. Having a named mob spawn randomly from clearing trash mobs is nothing novel, albeit having the boss encounter literally spawn amid the raidforce was somewhat of a surprise the first time it occurred, and it is definitely one of the most efficient methods of ascertaining that the raidforce stays totally focused for the duration of the clearing.

Zi-Thuuli of the Granite Claw Zi-Thuuli of the Granite Claw's corpse

However, forcing a guild to constantly clear respawns in an instanced zone in hopes of spawning their desired target is all but extremely disconsolate. Our endeavour tonight lasted for aproximately two hours, where 75% of that time was monotone, repetitive clearing of respawns. When Zi-Thuuli finally decided to make an appearance, he reassured us of the fact that the next time he graced us with his fleeing presence, would thankfully be the last. Gargoyles are known to be deceptive however, and surprisingly enough, a fourth meeting was deemed a necessity.

I am fairly certain that the original intent of this encounter was that any guild facing Zi-Thuuli should be forced to fight him at their present location, which is why it seems rather redundant to add an ability to that mob which renders any fight spot bar one or two all but useless.

While players have demanded challenging and enjoyable content for some time now, encounters that take close to two hours to complete combined with the risk of raidmembers being tossed down into Stoneroot Mountains amid kill on sight mobs is hardly the type of challenge that makes this game enjoyable. The fleeing aspect of this encounter is pretty pointless, the novelty wears off after having completed it once, post that it merely becomes an annoyance.

Hopefully, what is left of the Demi-Plane will be somewhat more enjoyable, what we have seen so far is pretty disappointing.

Azure Sleeves of the Diplomat Woven Shadow Shroud

Following the trend of our nostalgy video releases, this update will feature our very first video ever made, namely a compilation from a Tacvi clearing in mid April or May if I recall correctly. You can download the video by clicking here.

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