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Just a brief update today for those who like to browse other guild sites and keep up to date on progess.

I am proud to say that the Raging Fury train has started rolling. With the faction frenzy that came with TSS, we decided to go at our own pace and make sure everyone got flagged and noone felt left behind and do lots of this stuff as raids. It may have taken us a week longer than some, but in the end it will pay off in terms of less burnout I believe. One of the things that separates us from others, is our teamwork and I must say I am proud of how the Raging Fury members have banded together and pulled through this phase that left alot of people very frustrated and worried about being left behind.

So has it paid off? I think it is safe to say it has. We downed Stitch as the first on the server and serverwide second. We downed Sothgar as second on the server a couple days after Tide who in return took down Stitch. Nice going guys. Let us show everyone that AB is the place to be for high end raiding!

Stitch Sothgar the Twiceborn

This places us amongst the top 5 guilds to have killed both Stitch and Sothgar and gotten access to north wing instance raids. But that was not enough for us. After entering north wing, we decided to give the first event a go after getting pretty much a full raid inside. Fast forward and the army of Dyn'Leth is scattered on the floor all around us in what can only be described as a pretty chaotic fight. Current status for us at the moment is having defeated the first two events in north wing. Way to go Raging Fury!


Even though the second event for some reason left the corpse empty and no chests popping, we have still gotten a few decent loots along the way to where we are, including the first bow I have actually seen a ranger want in years! I leave you with an assorted selection of goodies from the Raging Fury treasure vault:


Good news! Recruiting is open for selected classes that want to be a part of our fantastic guild. I am not in charge of recruiting and Illandra will be able to answer more correctly exactly what we are looking for, but I do believe 1-2 clerics, rogue, shadowknight, monk and a couple more are on the wishlist. So dont hesitate to send a tell to Illandra if interested

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