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02.11.2002 Vex Thal Cleared by Nineveh

Raging Fury ventured into the depths of Vex Thal this weekend, for the first time encountering the challenges of the second floor of Luclin's goldmine.

Vex Thal is known to many as one of the better incomes for high end equipment, though you also risc exposing your guild to another feared everquest syndrom, namely the fashion one.

Recently Antonius Bayle managed to rid itself of being known as the server with the most players totally lacking a sense in regards to clothing, as Mentin was finally convinced to put on a robe after a unanimous guild decision.

Though Frolaak seemed determined to reinstate this, atleast that is the only possible explanation one could reach after seeing the following picture

Mentin Frolaak

Two days of continous pulling later, we were faced with Aten Ha Ra herself, and in collaboration with the rest of our weekend, things went as they were supposed to.

Craon, Zwickel, Frezzer and Azmodai all adorned themselves with her loot, atleast the three later mentioned ones as the rumour has it Craon is currently occupying himself working on a certain faction.

The goals we set ourselves as a guild in Luclin were all met with this clearing, and focus has now been shifted towards the Planes of Power, thus check back for upcoming planar battles.

Vextal cleared

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