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Following the complaints of the difficulty, or lack thereof, that met the raiding playerbase once obtaining access to the Citadel of Anguish was eptly dealth with in last weeks patch. Although I much agreed with several others that have voiced their opinion on various forums and news pages, I must say that I am somewhat disappointed in regard to the method of increasing the difficulty on certain mobs.

An example that immediately springs to mind is Ture. Having reached what is currently the final frontier of high end raiding encounters in Everquest, I would expect each mob not only to have a unique looking model, but also to have an ae ability shared by no other mob in the game. Not necessarily an unbalanced effect that would slaughter a guild in seconds, but an effect actually named after the encounter in question. Half of our enchanter team ran around desperately searching for a chaosslayer to charm once noting the Wanton Destruction
spell cast on them, though surprisingly enough, none could be found.

We have, similar to many other guilds I am sure, experienced somewhat of a drop in numbers of late, nothing dramatic, though at times we lack the needed 5-6 people to fill up the instanced expeditions nicely. As a result, we are opening recruitment for all classes the next two weeks, wanting to fill these spots with dedicated players willing to surpass the allure of other games currently being released. Read our recruitment forum, and apply either through e-mails, or ingame contact with Nineveh / Karde.


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