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Since the last news update we have been very busy. There have been lots of fights, and while some of them were interesting from a conceptual point of view, so far we haven't really found anything really challenging - something we really hope will happen in the end zone of this expansion: The Citadel of the Worldslayer!

The biggest issues so far we have had with the sons of Rallos Zek in Eriak's Downfall (admittedly a tough script) and with the numerous bugs inside the Rallos Returns event, at which end nonetheless we stood inside the Rathe chamber where we stopped RZ from taking the power of the council:

Rathe Council

The next task we had was to find the trigger for the last raid in the Invasion of Earth-theme (to my knowledge we weren't the only guild with this problem), but once we had it nailed down we proceeded and interrupted the ritual by the Discord agents to prevent them from changing history:

The Ritual in Toskirakk

So, we now had enough flagged for Korafax (aka Discord) to start raiding there and on the first visit we met a very cool looking guy named Pallorax the Soul Slayer:

Pallorax the Soulslayer Pallorax the Soulslayer

He was so dark that he was more shadows than anything else, so excuse the overlighting on the pictures. Apart from 2 armor molds he also dropped the following stuff:

Pallorax Loot

We weren't done for the day yet so we thought we should pay a visit to a more traditionally looking mob Venom Lord Ksathrax:

Venom Lord Ksathrax

The result of this fight wasn't too much different from the first one, we smacked him down and got some shiny new toys:

Ksathrax Loot

The last fight in this zone is the Mindshear Avatar (pictures coming soon), which shouldn't stand in our way very long either, so that we can fully start the farming of the needed keys to the Citadel. 2 keys per mob means 6 keys per week so you can pretty much plan ahead on when you will see the first pictures of RF raiding in the home of the Worldslayer.

Stay tuned!

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