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24.11.2006 Recruitment is open! by Dalrek

Raging Fury is looking for more players to join our ranks. In these poker times, you could say we are pretty much playing with a full deck of cards, all colors represented and we usually have the winning hand when we raid. However, that does not mean we dont have room to add an ace or two! Generally speaking, we are looking for demiplane level geared players, with around 800 AAs and high playtime. Exceptions to gear and AAs can be made and each applicant will be judged on an individual basis, but our guidelines should still give you a rough idea of what we would like.

You must be prepared to spend the needed time on faction work, endure numerous deaths breaking into new content and not get frustrated when the going gets tough. If you believe this profile fits you, please take a closer look at our recruiting section Here! Both native AB players as well as servertransfers are more than welcome to apply. Once you make up your mind, please send us your info either as PM or preferably via e-mail here: Apply! and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Feel free to include any extra info you believe will help your application

Ok, Enough about recruiting for now. Ofcourse I could not make an update without fancy pictures and progression updates! Since our last update, we have finished a round of reflagging for north wing Ashengate and we went back and took out Lethar and Dyn'Leth

Lethar Dyn'leth, Firstborn of Lethar

We also took a sneak peek into the Frostcrypt progression line. Even though I dont have any pictures of the major encounters on this side of the progression, you can rest assured that there will be tons and tons of Dead giants very soon

Kangur Vafta Veor Hight Lorekeeper Udengar Dergon

So what are we working on at the moment? The big final event in Ashengate, Lethar and Selay. While a challenging event, others have killed him. Raging Fury will soon as well.

Selay the Brokenwing

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