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01.12.2005 Devlin Rochester slain! by Nineveh

Thousands of years ago, Devlin Rochester set forth to slay the greatest abomination the world had ever seen, namely May.. the master of Dreadspire Keep. His accidental killing of a young woman thought to be a lycanthrope gnawed at him from within, and ridden by guilt he was overwhelmed by the ominous power that resided in the Demi-Plane of Blood, ending up serving the very presence he had come to vanquish.

Despite dazzling us with a vaste array of weapons, the remnants of what was once Devlin was found lacking tonight as his tormented captivity came to an end.

Devlin Rochester Devlin Rochester
Greaves of the Vampire Hunter Vule's Frozen Heart Invocation of the Last Dawn

Anthas decided to purchase everything of value, but was graceful enough to thank the guild for aiding him. I was not playing from my regular computer at the time of Devlin's death, thus one could almost believe that it was Zorrbald who had provided the pictorial material, hence the old world models.

thanks for coming to my raid all P

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