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19.12.2002 For the hive! by Nineveh

Rydda'Dar was the barrier that withheld Raging Fury from entering the lower depths of the Halls of Honor, home of Mithaniel Marr. Upon learning that this dragon was up we soon found ourselves in the company of Mortalis, also seeking to flag their last members for an upcoming encounter with the deity.

Thus in collaboration, the two guilds came to the decision that instead of racing for this particular encounter, it would be of mutual interest to merely do what we were both there for, namely flagging every guildmember there. Boneheads of Butcherblock also had their local representative present, and faced against such a trio, Rydda'Dar was heard uttering the exact same words as Celsius

zerg ...

Rydda'Dar Rydda'Dar

In addition to spending most of our time within the new planes, we have also visited Vex Thal on some occations, and obviously the ugly stick has struck again. I had to catch Faiar offguard in order to get a screenshot of his latest addition, whilst Spellquestor proudly wears his headpiece

Fashion Fashion

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