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A resonant and acoustic chime was heard through the keep of Dreadspire tonight as the unnamed bard finally witnessed a performance that matched his expectations, and post his ballads being recited properly, the forgotten artist could leave the Demi-Plane at peace.

Performer Performer Group pic

This event requires an immense amount of preparation and coordination, and we have been throwing ourselves relentlessly at it for about a week now, though sadly we still have to restart the expedition each time we wish to attempt the event anew. The latter portion of the encounter is more intense than anything we have ever experienced in the game before, and I would not be surprised if that part is tuned down significantly. Despite the late hour we decided to visit the master who beckoned us for some company, but as of yet we can only provide you with one picture. Rest assured more will follow tomorrow though.

The Master of Dreadspire Mayong Mistmoore

Performer Woots

Sunstone Wand

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