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11.02.2007 Recruiting for TBS is open! by Dalrek

With The Buried Sea expansion fast approaching, Raging Fury is looking to reinforce our current raidforce with some new people. It is no secret that TSS was tough on several people, but like always they stuck with us to see TSS defeated. Unfortunately after finishing the expansion and being in farm mode for a month, people loose the thrill of progressing and some decided it is time to move on to reallife adventures. A big thank you to those people who helped bring us to the top of the game year after year. I am sure you will be successfull in whatever you choose to do in RL

Fortunately for YOU, this means we have a few openings for people eager to experience the best of what raiding can be like in EQ. We are looking for players that are happy with their class, who still has a desire to play EQ and not any other newly released games. We are looking for highly motivated players who are willing to work on Solteris flagging and dont mind showing up night after night for wipes while we learn the new challenges that lie ahead of us and who are willing to stay when the boredom of farming hits us after we complete TBS. You have to be a teamplayer and be able to keep a positive attitude even when things dont go our way.

If you think you match this description, then please contact our recruiter Illandra or any of the officers, even this grumpy dorf in game, via the board or e-mail. All classes welcome, though some will have higher requirements than others based on current needs. High priority will be given to a couple of clerics, paladin, shadowknight, ranger and necro at this point, but if you can convince us that we need you, then please do so

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