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22.02.2003 Solusek Ro slain by Nineveh

The Burning Prince stood solely between Raging-Fury and access to the fabled land of Doomfire. Having spent the last week in preparation through defeating every wizards nightmare, Xuzl, in addition to the remaining four trials within the flaming towers, an ample force deftly conquered Solusek Ro, despite several protests from Faiar proclaiming that the slaying of his deity would be all but impossible.

Solusek Ro Solusek Ro

Fully flagged for earth, wind, water and fire, named mobs from within every plane were attempted and we obviously have quite a bit of learning to do when it comes to avoiding the named mobs dropping spectral parchments and diamonds in comparison to mobs similar in difficulty adoring our raidforce with elemental molds. Hopefully there will be pleasant news to report from the planes shortly.

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