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01.03.2006 Prophecy of Ro goes live by Dalrek

The Prophecy of Ro expansion is upon us and even though we have no news worthy of replacing Mayong, I guess it's only fair to those browsing various guildsites in search of news on the expansion, to offer a bit of help. First off let me apologize for for this update not being up to its usual standards, but our wordwizard and fearless leader Nineveh has decided to dedicate his energy to RL endevours. Either that or Svartrot ate him. In both cases we wish him the best of luck on his future journey and may it be filled with as much excitement for him as he made EQ and Raging Fury for those of us who had the pleasure of having him as leader.

As far as Prophecy of Ro goes, I wont get into the whole risk vs reward thing here. Lets just say dragons aren't what they used to be. We took down Porthio the Secondborn, but unfortunately I dont have any pictures from that fight at all, so instead I will leave you with one of the Eldarr mobs. Nothing interesting from that fight really, neither in terms of difficulty nor rewards, but it adds some color to the frontpage.

Guardian of the High Priest

Moving on we find the one mob that put up a fight so far, although he still bit the dust after a few runs to figure him out.

Daosheen the Firstborn Daosheen the Firstborn's corpse

This mob actually gave us some nice loots. If I remember right, it sold better than our demiplane raids who tend to have most loot rotting. Somehow I think we will be seeing Daosheen alot more in the future

Ethereal Guard of the Scrykin Glowing Crystalweave Shawl Crystal Pendant of Force

Although we lost some people to the natural progress of people moving on to RL stuff, we also got some nice new additions to our current team and we are going as strong as ever, determined to put Mayong to rest once again in his new incarnation. So therefore I wont spend too much time on this update, because I got the feeling that it will be updated very soon as we continue to progress through PoR. Expect some Theater of Blood updates in the very near future.

We have a very limited number of spots open to certain classes and exceptional players, so if you want to be a part of Raging Fury, this is your chance. Check out our current needs and contact Illandra in-game if interested and qualified

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