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15.03.2004 The Altar of Destruction by Nineveh

Having successfully completed the open beta encounter of transcendence a few days ago, it was with an eerie feel of anticipation that we approached the taelosian altar yesterday evening.

Sadly we were all but disappointed upon discovering the tendencies of the trial mentioned initially, apparantly leaving the players completely clueless in regards to what is actually required to kill a mob, has struck home with our beloved developers at Sony.

Eventually stumbling across "the correct energy deemed a necessity to vanquish this foe", the final encounter was a complete reciprocal of the trial in general, in other words, enjoyable.

The keeper of the altar was however not in a photogenic mood, thus seconds after pressing F10, entering my camera mode, I was easily disposed of, limiting the pictorial coverage, but believe it or not, Trille actually managed to snap the occasion, though unfortunately with my corpse displayed amid the remnants.

The Altar of Destruction The Altar of Destruction

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