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20.05.2008 Another one bites the dust! by Dalrek

Just a brief update on our progress. After clearing the other wings, we have now entered Kerafyrm's domain and on the way there disposed of this little wyrmling. After that we took a brief visit to see Kerafyrm, but we were already past our normal raidhour so we just stopped by to let her know we are coming. Soon...

Brood Mother Visziaj Kerafyrm the Awakened

In other news, I find it worth mentioning that Darkwind has decided to close its doors and disband. Regardless of any differences there might have been, you can only respect their accomplishments over the years and be saddened when one of the older raidguilds in Everquest calls it a day.

We have in the past received some high quality people from Darkwind and although we have limited room at the moment, I do welcome those that we can offer a spot. I am sure you will be wellreceived and make a good addition to our team and I hope you will find a home with Raging Fury that matches what you had. To those venturing to other guilds and servers, best of luck to you all and hats of to Darkwind past and present.

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