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Innoruuk was the first deity to fall this evening, and thus all of the gods in phase five had been bested, though not during the same clearing. Eager to see the much anticipated lore... Cazic Thule fell next in a sub par performance. In our prior update, Rallos Zek was somewhat humiliated and stamped as being the weakest opponent we had to far encountered in The plane of Time. The God of war was most definately out to prove otherwise tonight as he slaughtered us easily twice in a row, leaving the guild rather baffled considering how the previous meeting with this particular mob had ended.Third time is the charm though, and with Rallos Zek defeated, this time with his dignity intact, the following decay of Bertoxxulous opened up the gateway to the coalesced monstrosity of the planar deities, namely Quarm. Cudos to the god of war for his efforts!

Having reached the final encounter Everquest at its current stage has to offer, Quarm was obviously given a test run, though surprisingly enough, no corpse shot as of yet. Our attempt ended at 79%, in other words a work in progress.

Quarm Quarm

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