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22.08.2010 The Fungal Corruption has ended by Imrahil

This expansion has seen quite a number of bugs so far - and I am speaking merely about the intended bugs here. Starting with The Unborrowing over the Cliknar Guardians to the Cliknar Queen we could use our trusty Raging Fury anti-bug spray again and again. Now we found another target for it: the Death Beetle:

The Death Beetle

With the help of that powerful tool and our usual merry band of raiders we managed to vanquish this mighty insect as fifth guild serverwide :

You hear shouts of relief as the beetle falls over dead. You...

So, what did we get for our trouble? Apart from the usual 2 armor pieces we got us these nice new treasure pieces:

Band of the Forgotten Etched Rune of Renewal

Sadly enough our anti-bug spray does not work when it comes to technical bugs and be assured: there are quite a few in this script. From the idea itself (kill lots of mushrooms to make a giant beetle appear - did the dev maybe smoke some of those shrooms?!) over the more or less random reactions later on ("does he spawn? we did everything right!" -"Maybe!") to the fun fact that the script doesn't reset properly (anyone wants a 60 K quad-hitter after reset?) the whole thing is so far the buggiest encounter we have seen in this expansion.

On the other hand this is nothing compared to good old Rallos Returns in SoD, so I guess overall most bugs in the current expansion are indeed part of the story and can be overcome by guilds willing to put in the effort. Granted, the effort needed in Underfoot is higher than in SoD, but that was desperately needed, because EverQuest has always been about challenges and I certainly hope that the next expansion House of Thule will be offering enough hard content to keep us occupied. During several talks with different devs at the Fan Faire in Las Vegas (yay, baby!) it sounded like they were aiming for the expansion to be a bit easier than Underfoot, but still closer to that level of challenge than to the snorefest that was called SoD - phew!

Mentioning the Fan Faire: it has become a good tradition in the last 3 years that a few members of Raging Fury attend this event and this year we had a total count of 8 Raging Furies in smoking hot Vegas - not a bad number for a Euro guild! As always it was a blast meeting old friends and new faces (and some interesting bodies too!) and the atmosphere among players from around the world across quite a number of different games is something truly unique. Just see how friendly we are to our guild mates:

when i rented a car in Vegas Obs was bitching, so i told him...

Of course there were quite a few opportunities to talk to the current devs, and although they might make a few mistakes (who doesn't?) their dedication and enthusiasm for the game is clearly visible. Apart from game mechanic debates and questions about issues like class balance the next expansion was obviously the HoT topic (ya, they made lots of puns about the acronym). Apart from the stuff like new 5 new levels, player housing and bigger bags (rejoice Vmas, you can finally start collecting more illusions, mounts, shields and weapons again!), the date of its planned release was what really surprised me: the 14th of October is about a month earlier than anticipated, making it less than 11 months since the release of Underfoot. One can speculate about the reasons for this early release (some say, it is because most guilds still struggle with the already nerfed down events in T6 and 5 additional level will make it far easier), the bottom line is that there are only 7 weeks left to beat Underfoot before it is "old content". For us in Raging Fury this means we have to focus even more on beating the last missing events in T7 so that we can see for ourselves if indeed Converteum itself is comparatively easy to beat as some folks suggested when they saw that all 3 guilds who have entered it, also have finished the expansion shortly afterwards.

If you want to be part of this team and beat expansions while they are current, then check our recruitment. We are filling open spots pretty well at the moment, so don't wait too long to apply! We are mainly looking for

Shamans, Clerics and Rogues

We do accept applications from some of the other classes as well, so speak to our recruiters Brilhasti, Illandra, or Nalelini or talk to an officer.

Disclaimer: All rights reserved to their specific owners.

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