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29.08.2009 In the summer time by Imrahil

In the summer time when the weather is high
you can chase Giants and kill Mindblight
when the weather's right
you got phat loot, you got phat loot on your mind.
Get a ring, get a shield
go raid and see what you can find

So much for the EQ-adaption of an old Mungo Jerry song, which more or less shows what we are doing in the game during this season.

It is farm time and noone can deny it, so apart from the freshly implemented event Giants, Giants, Giants nothing really new out there, so people are enjoying the nice weather, drinks and relaxation outside of EQ. Of course we keep up our schedule to kill everything worthwhile, but we all are looking forward to new challenges in the next expansion Underfoot.

Speaking of the upcoming 16th expansion of EverQuest: if you want to become part of one of the leading guilds in this game, a guild that has managed to stay among the top 5 serverwide for 9 expansions in a row, now is the time! We are looking especially for Wizards, Rogues, Berzerkers and Clerics, but do accept applications of exceptional players from many of the other classes also, so speak to our recruiters Illandra, Nalelini, Abadonn or talk to an officer. if you want to know more.

That's it for today, only a short update, gotta get out into the sun!

*goes out humming "Da da da da da"


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