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What can only be described as the most variable time clearing as of yet, ended with the slaying of Quarm tonight, concluding the planar progression for Raging Fury.

The first day commenced with barely stumbling through the initial trials. succeeding with what could only have been 30 seconds worth of margin. The first challenge that awaited within phase 4 was Tallon Zek, and despite several premature deaths, we ended up victorious. Vallon Zek proved himself to be the challenge of phase 4 once again and promtply bested the guild three times in a row prior to us calling it a night.

On the second day however, the guild was all but revitalized as Vallon Zek died easily on the first attempt of the day, followed by a swift clearing of what remained in the fourth phase,in other words Terris Thule and Saryrn respectively.

The fifth wave was cleared in record time, Innoruuk fell sans troubles followed by a flawless vanquish of Cazic Thule. The fight against Rallos Zek was reminiscent of our first encounter with the god of war, and the night ended with Bertoxxulous being slain.

Quarm was in other words the sole challenge remaining within the plane of time for our third day, and having merely attempted the beast twice prior to today, expectations were high, tactics new and untested. As the fight endured and the first two heads dissipated, it seemed our tactic was working as intended, and belief that we would actually end up victorious spread throughout the raid force. Though close to 30% our maintank was slain, followed by a brutal genocide from Quarm's remaining duett.

A battle without comparison transpired the last two minutes, and nothing short of pure will and devotion secured the victory as Quarm was slain on the nights first attempt. The following lore was obviously the highlight of the evening, though Citrua, Tingle and Yrgass walked away with a new shoulder, bracer and earring.

Quarm slain Quarm slain

The last challenge within the planes of power has been completed prior to the release of the Lost Dungeons of Norrath, and hopefully there will be new challenges residing within the new expansion.

Quarm slain Quarm slain

Eppels hit Quarm for 235 points of non-melee damag

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