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Tonight The First Creation died for the first time on the server Antonius Bayle, beaten by the combined effort of the members of Raging Fury.

So without any further comment I have the great honor and the privilege to present to you the victorious team standing next to the body of the vanquished enemy:

The First Creation beaten

The end of an expansion calls for some reflection about the expansion itself and the circumstances, under which progression through it happened. Let me just say that the last weeks I have felt a drive and a motivation in the guild which I hadn't sensed for quite some time. After being behind Shadows of Doom on the first events catching up with them during the end of Tier 7 gave a new motivation and focus to everyone in RF. We started to add an additional raid day and raid evenings became longer and longer, just because everyone knew we were close to the end. It felt like a race and that feeling gave invigoration to all our members and made it possible for people to raid till midnight, although many of us had to work the next day. The effort paid off in the end,: we were able to take back the number one spot on Antonius Bayle!

Let me congratulate those guilds who have finished the expansion before us in a legitimate way, I leave it upon everyone for himself to decide what guild to count among those. Let me also thank Shadows of Doom for giving us such a close race, you pushed us to give 100 percent, I am sure you guys will get it down soon too.

Let me also say "thanks" to our raid leaders, who have worked very hard to develop and improve our strategies and tactics and to our recruiters who got us the quality people we needed to fill our ranks. But most of all, I thank all the members of RF for showing the will and strength to overcome one of the hardest expansions in all the history of EverQuest.

Almost 10 months after its release only 4 guilds on all servers have beaten it and I doubt that this number will be more than doubled before the next expansion and level 90 will help more guilds to finally push through.

After the playing field got leveled during the all-to-easy SoD, now was the time to show what a guild is capable of: some new guilds rose to high peaks, some old high end guilds fell deep. Let me take this moment to salute a final time to Tide, it is always sad to see a once strong and proud guild like that collapse - may the former members find new homes in other guilds

.Some of those members have already joined our guild and have helped us to once again claim our place among the top 5 guilds on all the servers in EQ for the tenth time in a row! Yes, Raging Fury has been among those front runners since GoD and I think that is an achievement shared by no other guild in this game. I consider it an honor to be leading a guild which has left its footprints in the history of EverQuest for such a long period of time. I am sure we will be leaving our marks in House of Thuleto.

Until then enjoy the rest as I will enjoy not having to write news until 1:30 in the morning!

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