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A resonant and acoustic chime was heard through the keep of Dreadspire tonight as the unnamed bard finally witnessed a performance that matched his expectations, and post his ballads being recited properly, the forgotten artist could leave the Demi-Plane at peace.

Performer Performer Group pic

This event requires an immense amount of preparation and coordination, and we have been throwing ourselves relentlessly at it for about a week now, though sadly we still have to restart the expedition each time we wish to attempt the event anew. The latter portion of the encounter is more intense than anything we have ever experienced in the game before, and I would not be surprised if that part is tuned down significantly. Despite the late hour we decided to visit the master who beckoned us for some company, but as of yet we can only provide you with one picture. Rest assured more will follow tomorrow though.

The Master of Dreadspire Mayong Mistmoore

Performer Woots

Sunstone Wand

06.12.2005 Roley DeFarge slain! by Nineveh

Roley DeFarge was once known as the greatest leader the paladin order of Marr had ever seen, though despite being the recipient of acclaim and flattery, Roley sought to further his name beyond what any mortal could possibly achieve. When failing to return from Dreadspire Keep, a hunting party including his own wife Adrianna found that he had been enslaved by the master residing within, sharing fates with both Tris Wallow and Devlin Rochester. Roley displayed his complete devotion to the unDead by slaying his own wife to please his new master.

Roley DeFarge Roley DeFarge

While Sanguimanus the Redfang offered the greatest challenge of the first tier, Roley DeFarge is without a quiver of doubt the toughest encounter in the second, and should he remain in his present incarnation not many will overcome this ordeal any time soon. Only the performer stands between Raging Fury and the unwreathing of the master, and hopefully we will be able to introduce you all to his eluding presence shortly.

Roley Woots

Cuirass of the Fallen Saint Narcissist's Ballroom Mask Band of Broken Vows

01.12.2005 Devlin Rochester slain! by Nineveh

Thousands of years ago, Devlin Rochester set forth to slay the greatest abomination the world had ever seen, namely May.. the master of Dreadspire Keep. His accidental killing of a young woman thought to be a lycanthrope gnawed at him from within, and ridden by guilt he was overwhelmed by the ominous power that resided in the Demi-Plane of Blood, ending up serving the very presence he had come to vanquish.

Despite dazzling us with a vaste array of weapons, the remnants of what was once Devlin was found lacking tonight as his tormented captivity came to an end.

Devlin Rochester Devlin Rochester
Greaves of the Vampire Hunter Vule's Frozen Heart Invocation of the Last Dawn

Anthas decided to purchase everything of value, but was graceful enough to thank the guild for aiding him. I was not playing from my regular computer at the time of Devlin's death, thus one could almost believe that it was Zorrbald who had provided the pictorial material, hence the old world models.

thanks for coming to my raid all P

22.11.2005 Tris Wallow III purged! by Nineveh

The festering lycanthrope that had lingered within Tris Wallow III for close to three thousand years was purged for the first time ever tonight on Antonius Bayle as the second tier of the Demi-Plane of Blood lost its diplomatic tactician. Torn from within by the remnants of what was once a brilliant strategic mind, Tris sought to rid herself of what had sadly dissipated her to a state of insanity.

Tris Wallow III's Spirit Tris Wallow III's Spirit

Tris Wallow was a highly interesting encounter, and much to Imothep's (our local champion of lore) approval the lore leading up to this event played a significant part in overcoming it. The reflagging component of the Demi-Plane was also discovered tonight, and a sigh of relief was heard when we all understood that curse progression flagging is a thing of the past.

Several guilds are currently progressing through the Demi-Plane at a fast rate, racing eachother in an attempt to be the first to finish this particular expansion. Regardless of outcome, this phase of the game is in my opinion the most interesting one, as newly aquired loot is instantly linked on a serverwide basis merely seconds after they appear on lucy. Most servers have their fair share of intrigues between guilds battling for the top spot, but personally we feel that you should relish that competition and embrace it for what it is, namely a catalyst that will motivate your guild beyond their normal boundaries. How you get there is equally important to when you get there.

Persuasive Glimmering Serpent Apothic Ring of Evil Elements
Blood Drinker's Fang Drop of Accursed Blood

We are still looking for a few dedicated clerics or dark drachnids to join our guild, if you are either, do not hesitate to contact Illandra in game, or utilize the private message function on our forum. Note that dark drachnids are expected to attend a mezzbreaking course prior to commencing their potential trial.

20.11.2005 Sanguimanus the Redfang slain! by Nineveh

For close to a week now, our tactical approach to the Redfang encounter has remained unaltered, though sadly we were not able to field an optimal raidforce until tonight. Sunday seems to be day of reckoning for our guild, our best prior attempt at this particular encounter was, you guessed it, last Sunday, and with every class accounted for, hopes and expectations were both high.

Sanguimanus the Redfang Sanguimanus the Redfang dead

There are still several aspects of this fight that we can improve upon, but an ambiance of euphoria quickly spread through the guild as realisation of victory dawned upon those present tonight. The images of Redfang are all but lacking, so we will also include two random pictures taken during our exploration of the second tier in the Demi-Plane tonight. While none are unique, I for one have always enjoyed seeing pictures of new and unbeaten mobs displayed on the various newspages of diverse Everquest guilds throughout the years.

The Perfomer Tris Wallow III

We are still looking for a few clerics to compliment our healing branch, please review the forum for details, or contact our newly appointed recruitment officer, Illandra, in game.

Redfang Woots

Azure Cowl of the Diplomat Vermilion Batfur Sash

14.11.2005 Recruiting clerics! by Nineveh

Raging Fury is currently looking for a few clerics to join our ranks. The two primary traits we are looking for is high activity and ability. Please review the cleric requirements in our application section on the forum, though note that the alternate advancement listed is merely a preferred amount, not necessarily a mandatory number.If interested, please contact either Nineveh, Xack, Zorrbald, Thordanis or Svartrot in game, or through the private message function on the forum.

you suck soooo much

10.11.2005 The Wailing sisters banished! by Nineveh

Two thirds of the Wailing Sisters found themselves banished from the Demi-Plane of Blood tonight as intrigues and conspiracy on a level that even surpasses the average female cleric one(!) was revealed amid the bridesmaids of Tserrina. There is no description that properly describes this event, but it was definitely different from any encounter we have experienced as of yet, interesting enough to keep 50 players online past midnight, something that rarely occurs in Raging Fury. Redfang is all that locks the Demi-Plane to its current phase in time and hopefully his imminent demise will shift the reality of the projected plane enough to reveal the second tier shortly.

Sisters Sisters down

When undergoing the learning process of new encounters, it is always interesting to see what potential aid you might get from your fellow guildmembers, in this case however, they were not exactly helpful.

There is 3 of them! heard thzey were related. there sisters....

Althea's Chinching Cord Soulseeker, Death's Sigh Carmine Loop of Loathing

06.11.2005 Hatchet the Torturer slain! by Nineveh

Unlike his esthetic equivalents in Anguish, Hatchet used every pound to his advantage and through mere girthsize repeatedly plowed through a blithely unaware raidforce within his chambers of torture in the Demi-Plane of blood. This encounter is without a quiver of doubt the most entertaining fight we have seen for a long long time, and while the majority of Demi-Plane still remains wreathed, I feel safe in proclaiming that this is so far the best encounter in the Depths of Darkhollow expansion.

Hatchet the Torturer Hatchet the Torturer's corpse

That is where the praise ends however, one should always give praise when it is due, as should one always relay the reciprocal when needed. For more than a month now, the Demi-Plane of blood has remained the most poorly designed, and the least thought through zone in the game, ranging from named encounters that render themselves totally unfunctional, to mob respawns that literally makes it all but impossible to get from one location to the next within the zone without utilizing a magician corpse, a few necromancers for ressurrection purposes and obviously a willing batch of knights to lead the way.

This method of skipping content has up until the end of last week been the primary method of transportation utilized by 100% of the guilds that are currently progressing through the end game content of Everquest. Serverwide chat channels have made it a simplicity to communicate with other guilds experiencing exactly the same thing as we did over the last couple of weeks. Raiding in the Demi-Plane was not even remotely resemblant of anything one might regard as fun. Imagine having to wait for close to two hours while a fraction of your guild is involved in the process of moving a corpse from one location to the next. Based on the conversations I had with several high end guildleaders during the October month, their conclution was all but unanimous; if left in its current state, the Demi-Plane might very well cause an exodus reminiscent of the one we all bore witness to during the Gates of Discord. Regardless of what potential progression you might make within in a zone, it is hardly worth the effort if you are not even enjoying it.

There are always exceptions however, a minority of people were actually advocating that the zone should be made more difficult, as the current level of challenge was barely sufficient to satiate their need for adequate challenges. I have personally not seen any definitions of the epitome/paragon of hypocracy, but that statement comes extremely close if nothing else does. The same minority that refuted any change to the zone as it was not challenging enough as it was, backed their comments up by killing Zi-Thuuli inside the Dreadspire castle, as the encounter in its original state proved to be too tough to handle. Admittedly one might say that rendering the one challenge of this fight obsolete is merely thinking outside the box, but when you have to skip 100% of the trash spawns in a zone merely to reach a named encounter, I would hardly feel justified in proclaiming that something is too easy, atleast not until you've actually managed to handle something the way it was intended.

As mentioned earlier, the Demi-Plane of blood was seriously altered last week, including longer respawn times, lowering of assist range for certain inhabitants and several other minor changes that combined severely heighten the enjoyment of the zone. Clearing trash is still somewhat of a challenge, but at the moment is is possible to complete, within acceptable time limits. When altering content to such an extent as was the case last thursday, it would only be common courtesy to announce the alterations, had this been procrastinated much longer, I am pretty certain that the aftermath of such a delay would be highly noticable.

Two things that would help enforce the intentions behind the modifications to the zone would be to make it impossible to remove the zonewide area effect, and to disable the call of the hero spell within the Demi-Plane. Truth be told, being able to skip content in a zone through using a buff-stacking issue to remove an area effect; thus being able to make corpse runs that otherwise would be impossible while being snared is not original, it is unintentional.

Progression wise, Everquest seems to have entered a cold war era, new mobs are being killed but those killing them does not deem it important enough to update their newspages. As far as we are concerned though, a news posting is to announce a milestone your guild has overcome, nothing more.

Piercing Ring of the Torturer Rune-Etched Vampire Fang Boots of the Vampire Hunter

We are currently looking for an additional 4-5 members to fill our ranks, check the recruitment section for further details, Magicians do not hesitate to apply!

On the drawing board, Zi-Thuuli must have seemed like a highly original event, the live version is sadly a total reciprocal. Having a named mob spawn randomly from clearing trash mobs is nothing novel, albeit having the boss encounter literally spawn amid the raidforce was somewhat of a surprise the first time it occurred, and it is definitely one of the most efficient methods of ascertaining that the raidforce stays totally focused for the duration of the clearing.

Zi-Thuuli of the Granite Claw Zi-Thuuli of the Granite Claw's corpse

However, forcing a guild to constantly clear respawns in an instanced zone in hopes of spawning their desired target is all but extremely disconsolate. Our endeavour tonight lasted for aproximately two hours, where 75% of that time was monotone, repetitive clearing of respawns. When Zi-Thuuli finally decided to make an appearance, he reassured us of the fact that the next time he graced us with his fleeing presence, would thankfully be the last. Gargoyles are known to be deceptive however, and surprisingly enough, a fourth meeting was deemed a necessity.

I am fairly certain that the original intent of this encounter was that any guild facing Zi-Thuuli should be forced to fight him at their present location, which is why it seems rather redundant to add an ability to that mob which renders any fight spot bar one or two all but useless.

While players have demanded challenging and enjoyable content for some time now, encounters that take close to two hours to complete combined with the risk of raidmembers being tossed down into Stoneroot Mountains amid kill on sight mobs is hardly the type of challenge that makes this game enjoyable. The fleeing aspect of this encounter is pretty pointless, the novelty wears off after having completed it once, post that it merely becomes an annoyance.

Hopefully, what is left of the Demi-Plane will be somewhat more enjoyable, what we have seen so far is pretty disappointing.

Azure Sleeves of the Diplomat Woven Shadow Shroud

Following the trend of our nostalgy video releases, this update will feature our very first video ever made, namely a compilation from a Tacvi clearing in mid April or May if I recall correctly. You can download the video by clicking here.

Master Vule the Silent Tear was slain tonight in what can only be described as the epitome of execution. The vampiric guardian of the Demi-Plane offered little to no resistance to an amply prepared raidforce, and through Vule's eyes Raging Fury obtained access to the equivalent of Tacvi, Anguish and the Plane of Time, namely the final raiding zone of the Depths of Darkhollow expansion.

Master Vule The Silent Tear Group pic

Flitzer was chosen for the mandatory scouting of our new raiding territory and managed to secure the following screenshots prior to calling it a night. While the majority of the latest expansion has offered new models and unique encounters I must utter my disappointment in regards to seeing the exact same model that was utilized in the endgame stage of the Omens of War expansion grace the final raiding frontier in the Darkhollow expansion.

Hatchet the Torturer Hatchet the Torturer

Some of us are still hoping to see Mayong Mistmoore step forth to announce himself as the true master of Dreadspire Keep, and truth be told, seeing a 400 ton Warcraft tauren copy amid vampiric nobility is all but appalling.

Completing an encounter more than once has a tendency to render it somewhat trivial, thus I am able to offer you proper coverage of the Hive Queen Event, which is without a doubt one of the most enjoyable encounters in Everquest at this time. Stay tuned for further updates from the Demi Plane.

Sendaii, the Hive Queen Sendaii, the Hive Queen down

A few months back we thought it would be an idea to make some movies that covered the encounters we were currently doing. Unfortunately, so did most of the other guilds out there, thus we decided to withhold our videos until they had ripened properly, in other words, until they had become vintage. Our two first videos document an Anguish round and a fight against Vishimtar. My trial version of SwishMAX sadly expired, otherwise I would have fixed the Anguish clearing time to 2 hours and 29 minutes, a time we have yet to beat. Download the videos here:

Raging Fury Movies

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