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15.04.2007 Sisters take a dirtnap! by Dalrek

I have been putting off updating the frontpage cause I felt we were close to having some big news to announce, and here you have it: Raging Fury gets another scalp in our belt as we take yet another serverfirst kill by defeating the infamous Mayong's Mistresses event in Solteris

The Sister event... what can be said about this event. It is mean and unforgiving. It is unlike most other endgame raids cause you did not have alot of flagging to do and no other raids to kill to unlock this event. It has been accesible to pretty much every guild in Everquest that was interested in trying it since the first week after TBS launched. I think it is safe to say that not alot of guilds will be able to walk over this event no matter how easy the flagging for Solteris was. The road has been frustrating for alot of people cause it simply seemed unbeatable for our guild due to lacking DPS. I still find it funny that the first guilds to beat this said it is not about DPS. Ofcourse you cannot neglect your healers, curers, slowers etc but this is not an event where you just compensate by offtanking, kiting and more maintank switches cause the fight takes longer due to low DPS. That being said, I agree with what others have said that the fight is highly customizeable and takes alot of tweaking

If I heard correctly in guildchat last night, someone said he had around 150 entries in his log with failures on this event. Ofcourse that includes attempts where we wiped halfway and even aborting right after starting, but I think this shows the determination we have put into beating this. Eventually we found the setup that works for our guild and the people we have on raids and we found the focus that is definitely needed to execute the tactics you need to win. So I am happy to say that while some events in TSS left the impression that they were too easy and there wasnt really much cheering since it did no feel that much like a victory, this fight definitely gives a sense of accomplishment when you finally beat it


Other guilds have made a big deal out of posting their raidcomposition on the winning attempt. I am not gonna bother doing that. I dont consider us a DPS guild, but pretty balanced actually, so instead I will just show some of the action and a scrapbook picture of the winning team. That team obviously includes members that wasnt online that specific day but came each day and helped us beat this. They deserve a place in that pic as much as anyone else, right next to our secret weapon

Sisters take a dirtnap! Team

Congratulations to Sidarx and Fulast on their new bracers

Pristine Energeiac Plate Bracer Hardened Energeiac Leather Wristguard

And congratulations to Illandra and Bebop on each getting a shiny new ring

Christine's Engagement Ring

While we are filling up nicely and are having full raids again now thanks to some nice new additions, we are still interested in hearing from a few more people, especially a wizard, necromancer, paladin to name a few. You are able to see the full list here! Both native AB players as well as servertransfers are more than welcome to apply. Once you make up your mind, please send us your info either as PM or preferably via e-mail here: Apply! and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also contact Illandra or Corvard as well as any officer online.

10.03.2007 Brief TBS update! by Dalrek

Another brief update just to meet my monthly Deadline for frontpage updates

The Buried Sea expansion has arrived and ofcourse Raging Fury has flagged ourself in a great team effort from everyone. We still tear up Ashengate and Frostcrypt, but I doubt anyone is interesteed in hearing about this again. So instead I will bring you a nice picture of our adventures guild sitting at the Sisters event in Solteris, throne of Ro, admiring our guildbanner. Not that there is much time for slacking in that zone. We are working on the event and we are improving and it is looking good so far. It is definitely not a walkover, but we will get it done. We always do.

Solteris Group pic

We are fortunate to have several people on the way from other servers to join our ranks and might close recruting soon, but for now we are still open for an enchanter, a wizard, couple of paladins and shadowknights, a necro and a bard. Gnomes extra wanted!

You will find all info needed to apply on our forum as well as in links on this frontpage. Expect us to have some exciting news for you soon.

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