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23.01.2008 Disco is dead! by Dalrek

Some people think I have nothing else to do besides making frontpage updates, so they made a big conspiracy to kill Tactical Prototype XXVII just to keep me busy

So here it is. I am proud to announce that tonight, Raging Fury took our third scalp in Meldraths Majestic Mansion. Prototype is down and the gnomes went back to the drawing table!

Tactical Prototype dead

I know I kinda promised a MMM update with a kill last week. Unfortunately it takes more than just promises to make things happens. So instead, we worked hard and finally earned the kill. And not just one. To make up for the delay, we decided to bring you 2 Dead mobs instead. No other reason at all, I swear.

First we have Breakneck, Master at Arms. Alot have been said about this script and I am sure alot more will be said if the script, trash and elevators all remained unchanged. To be honest, I see no reason you have to go through the first stages. The final fight is ok and if it was just this fight in a room somewhere with no popping and depopping, then it would probably be a nice event. With determination, we finally succeeded with this frustrating part of the zone and Breakneck went down

Next up is Krond the Longhorn. Definitely more a traditional type of event. To be honest it was easier than expected and I am not convinced all mechanics are working properly as it is at the moment. Never the less, this doesnt affect our tactics, and with this event being a bit more traditional, it did not take us long to put Krond to rest

Breakneck Krond the Longhorn

Below you see the non-core rewards, first from Breakneck and then we had the luck to get double weapons on Krond. Atleast I think the paladins all agree on that.

Sharpened Steamworker's Screwdriver Cruel Mechanic's Shawl Chain-Powered Longcutter

Next up is working on some of the reportedly more buggy events in the zone. Tactical Prototype XXVII was actually the first event we worked on, so we already have some progress on this. Stay tuned for more next. As always, dont forget to check out our recruitment section. We still have a few open spot for particularly - but not limited to - clerics

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