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08.03.2003 Vulak'Aerr slain in Copenhagen by Nineveh

For what I believe was the seventh time, Raging-Fury was gathered at Boomtown in Copenhagen. These real life events have grown to be a trademark of our guild, and symbolizes the fact that there are much more to the high-end game of Everquest than merely the strive for loot. (even though I am sure Hoyas would disagree!)

Each of these gatherings consist of one raid, often a target we have never bested prior to the gathering, or something which has been way overdue for us to achieve as a guild, followed by a night of enjoying the nightlife Copenhagen has to offer.

Vulaek'Aerr was the primary target, a ring we had attempted a few times prior to the release of Planes of Power, though as most of you are probably aware of, being subject to a few ring resets, combined with servercrashes, this ring was soon abandoned as newer content emerged. However, this being the sole challenge left in Velious, it was decided Vulak's time had come.

Vulak'Aerr Vulak'Aerr

Once again we offer our most sincere grattitude to Taxa for organizing the event, like he has done many a time in the past, and knowing the gnome, we all remain certain there will be more to come. Apart from the slaying of Vulak'Aerr we have been attempting numerous elemental plane mobs, completing the necessary keys and so forth.

Elementals Elementals

There used to be a section called fashion victims on this page, though due to the Legacy of Ykesha release, the amount of possible candidates have been overwhelming, thus the following display of a few randomly selected candidates will sadly be the concluding summary for the time being.

Fashion Fashion

Last but not least, and most likely not the final sighting of the following occurrence:


Although we have not broken any barriers as a guild lately, after having been thoroughly harassed by guildmates, I was convinced that the option of updating the guildpage despite actually having surpassed a new challenge actually existed.

My original intentions were to await us killing Fennin Ro prior to making an update, and we recently had our first attempts at him, which despite the lack of a corpseshot in this update has left the guild in general more than confident that the first elemental god will not dictate the plane of fire for much longer.

Without further adue, I merely present some random everquest pictures and quotes i found after browsing through my screenshots, though with an editors note, my playing time has been highly limited as of lately due to finals exams and such, thus if the quotes mean nothing to you, they probably do not mean anything to the rest of the world either. (lack of material)

Superdorf Superdorf

man, u look like crap :p

Wizards got any Detrimentals spells ?

WHY ME fucking gorillas

so...can i rub you in ahorn sirup and lick it off

woot i lived...

Hoyas delivers a critical blast! (39)

GUILD MOTD: Klavs - buy eggs, sugar, butter.. pain

you look like minka :/


And remember: There is o shame in running like a l



NO fucktard said that horses only work on new mode

hi hottie

Last but not least, the most contradicting saying ever to be uttered in the guildchat of Raging Fury:

stop nuking if you cant control you aggro

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