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17.01.2005 Corpseshot galore! by Nineveh

Alot of people have complained about the lack of corpseshots displayed on the page of late. Personally I thought an action picture spoke volumes well beyond a corpse stained across the zone interior, though upon receiving a few comments, in addition to reading the latest news posting on Darkwind's frontpage, I decided to explore the possibility of directly influencing the position of the Anguish nameds once merely a few percentage of their lifebar remained. Much to Uren's disdain I might add, how could one even consider to let an AE rampage mob roam blithely through our raidforce!

Despite initial worries, the results were not half bad, bar Ture who seemingly managed to force himself into a nearby wall after having been stalked in open territory for quite some time. We are still working hard on aiding Jelvan, and I fear having to write another news posting within the week. That being said, we are still looking for a few dedicated clerics to join our ranks, high playtime and alternate advancement are both traits held in high regard, the rest we can easily provide.

Keldovan the Harrier's corpse Warden Hanvar's corpse Ture's corpse

10.01.2005 Recruiting clerics! by Nineveh

We are currently looking for a few clerics to join our healing branch. Healing is an essential part of every raid encounter, and to progress accordingly, our numbers need to increase somewhat.

Progression wise we have recently added Keldovan the Harrier to our weekly routine, joining Warden Hanvar and warm up bait Ture. Requirements are 200+ aa and 5+ days playtime a week. Interested candidates are requested to query Anthas, Karde, Nineveh or Uren in game for further details. Crosserver applicants are encouraged to apply, though obviously we will accept local miracle workers as well :)

Send your application to: here

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