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12.01.2003 Agnarr the Storm Lord slain by Nineveh

Agnarr the Storm Lord, the abhorrence of Karana himself was confronted and defeated within the Bastion of Thunder today, a battle in which I personally did not participate, thus the pictorial material as well as quote of the week was donated by our newly appointed guildleader, Klavs.

Agnarr the Storm Lord Agnarr the Storm Lord

Faiar was the source of inspiration for the following picture, and unless you actually play on Antonius Bayle, the oddity in the picture will most likely elude you.

Nineveh and Faiar

ah whenever im depressed or in a bad mood, i just

05.01.2003 Bertoxxulous & Saryrn slain by Nineveh

The crypt of decay stood empty today as the plaguebringer himself was defeated in what can only be described as a way overdue kill. Our previous attempt ended post the point of enrage, and thus todays victoious outcome was especially liberating. Practically the entire guild participated, and with a higher turnout than we have seen in weeks, new conquests were definately within reach

Bertoxxulous Bertoxxulous

Still amply representated, we learned Saryrn was up within the plane of Torment, a deity we had yet to attempt. Loaded with confidence from the previous slaying, Saryrn offered no resistance, and the path to the tower of Solusek for some reasons seemed shorter.

Saryrn Saryrn

Apparanetly fighting a female deity is more than some can handle. The following two quotes occured during the fight, and are both necessities for the front page,

she is HOY !!!

take pic of her tits :-)

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