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30.01.2005 Arch Magus Vangl slain by Nineveh

Arch Magus Vangl proved himself to be quite the adversary, especially faced against a raidforce in deep contemplation of what unheard of strategy to apply against this particular encounter. Several intricate battleplans were made, and all found unworthy. During our last attempt of the evening, as our initial plan was on the brink of failure once again, a rather blunt statement was uttered in our raidchannels; Merely zerg the lummox...

Overlord Mata Muram Overlord Mata Muram

Somewhat baffled that our medieval approach of brute force was the key to winning, potential corpseshots all but eluded me, and hopefully the screenshots of Mata Muram will suffice for now, despite their limited quality. As the first quote below will clearly outline, we were somewhat uncertain whether or not the nemesis of Anguish himself was initially aggro, or triggered through a brief display of exquisite lore, thus we sent our blithely unaware monk Karde in to investigate with the clear instruction of merely checking if the mob was indeed triggered.

After receiving our general go ahead, Karde immersed himself in the lure of Mata Muram, and seconds after asking "What worlds" a totally unaware raidforce found themselves quite Dead. Several petitions were made that night though, and hopefully Karde will adorn himself with a new title within the week; Karde the Illiterate

run up, to see if he is not aggro, but DONT hail him, oh.......

Shield of the Lightning Lord Beaded Hoop of Demise Mask of Forbidden Rites

04.01.2006 Mayong Mistmoore slain! by Nineveh

Mayong Mistmoore transcended into full divinity tonight as his earthly form was slain in the Demi-Plane of Blood. Many nights have been spent amid Mayong's most trusted council, and despite making continous progress on the event, many of us could not hide our frustration when we wiped with the master of dreadspire at 2% nearing midnight.

Motivation was paragon however, and every single member remained online to make one final attempt, despite the fact that most of them were already dreading the morning thereafter. Euphoria is hardly adequate when attempting to define the seconds following our victory, but considering the effort our guild has put into the latest expansion, I think the feeling was ubiquitous. Never before have I received such a barrage of tells, fairly certain the number exceeded hundreds, most demanding that the aftermath of the encounter was included in the webpage update, namely the lore.

Mayong Mistmoore Mayong Down!

Supposedly the effects of Mayongs elaborate scheme should be evident in every zone of the game, though sadly this aspect of the encounter appeared broken. Action screenshots are all but lacking unfortunately, as I was rather preoccupied during the encounter, hopefully we can ameliorate on this in the future.

The Demi-Plane is strangely silent. Though Mayong's body is ...

This is the sweetest victory I could have every hoped for.

The focused devotion and attention you demonstrated have len...

You have unwittingly worshipped me, and you have martyred me...

Let the world know that a new deity has joined the pantheon ...

Mayong Woots

Glimmerice, Tserrina's Forgotton Ardor Wristguards of the Vampire Hunter Forgotten Artist's Mesh Wristwraps

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