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24.01.2010 The Fury and the Beast by Imrahil

Once upon a time in Norrath there was a guild called Raging Fury. It was among the most daring guilds existing in all of EverQuest and so one day it ventured into a cold and desolate place in the domain of Brell Serilis called "The Cooling Chambers". Down there our guild found a gargantuan beast resting on an island in the middle of the cave:

Grunkuck the Beast

Daring as our guild was, it attacked the fierce beast with all its might, learning by pain and suffering, that for some victories you have to labor hard and long. During the fight the guild found out many details about its fearsome foe, not the smallest of it being about the female gender of the giant creature:

yes i will fight - no i will port away and sulk, yes i will ...

Many an attempt was made to strike down the gargantuan enemy, until on a glorious night the valiant guild didn't succumb to the claws of the Beast, its mate or their hungry children. They stood strong and finally stroke down the last of their foes, so that a mighty cheer of victory arose:


'The harder the foe, the bigger the triumph' can be said, and truly, a formidable foe the Beast had been! So all assembled on the spot, where once the Beast had had its lair to see which treasures it might hold:

Group pic

There was much rejoicing when Raging Fury could behold what was hidden inside the creature's lair apart from two sets of gauntlets: a precious ring and a mighty sword

Lake-Cooled Greatsword Strongest Link

So much for this week's 'Fairie Tale Hour', in a historical context I can just say that this raid was the hardest I had to work on for quite some time, so keep up the good work on those raids in Underfoot, SOE!

And now a final word from our research department:

More money is spent on boob jobs and viagra than on alzheime...

That's all for now folks, next update when we got enough flags for the next tier raids!

Just a short flash update: Today Raging Fury has downed its first Tier 4 raid in the current expansion, making us the fifth guild serverwide to beat this indeed very challenging event.

As it's late I will just put in one picture of the "big bad boss":

Pillars Boss

And here are the usual cheers and some lore:

Pillars Cheers

Pillars Lore

Once again a really great performance by everyone!

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