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01.10.2004 Mastery of Power completed by Nineveh

Post the last update we ventured into Tacvi in hopes of overwhelming Pixxt Kretv Kraxt with our newly obtained level 70 raidforce, though much to our disdain, five mere levels was far from sufficient to best this highly disconsolate encounter. Despite not defeating the fonetical impossibility, we made solid progress and managed to endure the infamous fourth wave of hatchlings. Hopefully there will be an obituary to read here shortly.

Onwards to more enjoyable news. The mastery of power was completed today, in what was practically an epitome of success (phrase chosen merely to appease Timmok). A fair amount of tactical discussion resulted in a plan which seemingly worked without flaw as we haughtily enforced a rather dubious play nice policy against the blithely unaware kunark raid force.

Mastery of Power completed Mastery of Power completed

You have successfully survived the trial of Corruption.

Bracelet of the Corrupter Specialist's Green Earstone Cord of the Malcontent
Howling Blood-Stained Bulwark Bonecleaver

We also finished two new class epics, namely the enchanter and cleric one, Zourite and Einon respectively posing alongisde Zorrbald, who was thoroughly upset for being left out of the last update.

4. Epic - Zorrbald 5. Epic - Zourite 6. Epic - Einon

03.10.2004 Mastery of Tactics completed by Nineveh

The Projection of Tactics trial was successfully beaten today after numerous learning attempts. Many an oaf found themselves aptly struck down by Kyvs with an accuracy that even outshone Anthas's performance. For reasons beyond my comprehension I was selected as one of the Kyvs primary targets, and unfortunately spent most of this encounter attempting to evade quiver after quiver, deeming the visual aspect of this update to be somewhat lacking.

You have successfully survived the trial of Foresight.

Cudgel of the Watchful Dragorn Twisted Crown of Consciousness

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