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04.11.2004 Recruiting Warriors by Nineveh

Nothing noteworthy to report progression wise of late, though we have surprisingly enough been rather busy with reflagging necessities for Anguish. Sony was applauded for their initiative with adding keys to the named loot table within the final tier zone in Anguish, though one thing they neglected to ascertain, was that they actually worked as intented. Currently these keys do not function at all, and merely take up inventory space, though upon contacting those responsible, we were assured this was an issue that would be corrected in the upcoming patch.

Onwards to the recruiting though. We are currently seeking 1-2 warriors to join our ranks. A certain equipment standard is expected, in addition to 300+ aa points. Having completed the individual key part for Anguish is definitely a bonus, though far from a pre requisite. GoD and Pop flags are of little interest, as we close to never venture into old content any more, apart from a nostalgic visit to Tacvi once in a while.

No update is complete without a certain visual aspect, and lacking other material, three of our most recent epic completions will have to suffice. Warriors interested in applying for a trial, feel free to contact Nineveh or Karde in game, though those of you that decide to contact Karde, expect atleast 10-15 minutes wait, as our monk recruiter sporadically decides to leave his computer.

10. Epic - Mitnick 11. Epic - Onyen 12. Epic - Thorbiorgs

with those stats id wear it even if it made me look like a g...

jeah, r u liek dumb r somthing??

link me augment you got. sorry got 1 million pp in bazaar al...

All citizens of Norrath and New tanaan that would like to at...

anyone knoe the name of Zourites twink?

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