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06.02.2005 Tunat'Muram Cuu Vuaux slain by Nineveh

In what can only be described as a way overdue kill, Tunat'Muram was defeated tonight, marking the completion of the Gates of Discord expansion, aproximately one year after its official release. Raging Fury practically spent weeks within this zone during the prime of a now obsolete expansion, but progression was thoroughly halted by Pixtt Kretv Kraxt, a fate shared by many a guild serverwide. Rumours of our upcoming victory actually caused a few dormant members of the guild to make an appearance, making tonights raid even more enjoyable.

Tunat'Muram Cuu Vuaux slain Tunat'Muram Cuu Vuaux slain

Truth be told, this encounter was far from as difficult as one might expect, though it definitely followed the trend of the other encounters found within the zone, offering a much needed respite from the weekly Anguish routine.

Tunat'Muram's Chainmail of Pain Cracked Shard of Power Greaves of the Tunat'Muram
Jagged Glowing Prism Tunat'Muram's Bloodied Greaves

As the topic indicates, we are currently seeking active CLERICS and ENCHANTERS to bolster our ranks. Cross server applicants are encouraged to apply, the two traits we hold in high regard are activity + ability. Id est, high playing times, and preferrably a certain amount of alternate advancement. For further information about the application process, please review our recruitment section on the forums or contact any officer in game (Anthas, Frolaak, Uren, Xack, Karde, Nineveh).

Onwards to more jovial aspects. Our enchanters are known serverwide for their unmatched logic and strategic dispositions, the first quote displayed below is an archived uttering from our suisse tactician, while the second quote was a recent occurrence, clearly following the trend.



Have you ever experienced an applicant constantly making up excuses for not attending raids? Most guilds probably have, though I think it fairly safe to assume that none bares even the slightest resemblance towards what you are about to witness below. Without further ado, Raging Fury proudly presents, Ravjack!

  • Ravjack tells the raid, 'sorry about that 3min afk. daughter was choking in her sleep. silly cow decided to chew her teddy bear'
  • Ravjack tells the raid, 'guys i ned to camp, electric cut out and im on battery charger atm. will be back when it comes back up.
  • Ravjack tells the guild, 'still time to make Qvic? sorry i tried at 7pm to log on and it wouldnt let me so went to the pub for a drink =)'
  • Ravjack tells the guild, 'this is ravjacks better half .. hes had to go out on an emergency, im gating him out just in case ..... he will be on later'
  • Ravjack tells the guild, 'fookin poodle pulled my monitor power out'
  • Ravjack tells you, 'i know your not gonna be happy but im gonna have to go now, baby milk was left in granada and daughter needs a feed in 2hrs so i have to go next town down to buy milk. sorry ill cya laters'
  • Ravjack tells you, 'sorry about friday had a phone call from friend who broke down outside valencia city. had to go pick his family up and take em home'
  • Ravjack tells the guild, 'afk need to walk dog b4 this raid or wife will skin me'
  • Ravjack tells the guild, 'im on wifes laptop atm. my pc still wont let me in. damn fookin sony and ther equick fixes'
  • Ravjack tells the guild, 'sorry about that guys. i went ld with /rewind command then i couldnt get in with login being down

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