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21.04.2003 Recent events & quotes by Nineveh

Post our first slaying of Rallos Zek during the second week of February, Raging Fury has learned their ways in the elemental planes, and a new barrier was breached within the guild as we harnessed our 180th elemental armour piece within the plane of fire today.

During the last couple of weeks, we have in addition to slaying Fennin Ro for the second time completed our key to Xegony, and eagerly await our first attempt on the wench in the sky. In the depths on the plane of water, we have also started learning the Coirnav script, needless to say, we are far from done, though we left the reef today somewhat enlightened, and with anticipation towards attempting once more.

Random Random

stop nuking if you cant control you aggro :)


Haillon has been slain by A Vengeful Airspirit!

Haillon has been slain by A Prismatic Recluse!

Haillon has been slain by A Elemental Champion!

Haillon has been slain by an obsidian lava spider!

HNeric has been slain by Derakor the Vindicator!



The cathedral of doomfire lay before Raging Fury once again. We came amply representated for our second encounter with Fennin Ro, more members than have been seen online simultaneously ever wanted to be a part of what was to be our first banishment of an elemental god.

Klavs valiantly stood his ground through the entire fight, and apart from random overnukers (Haillon) failing to prevail, this was definately one of our better performances as a guild post the release of Planes of Power.

We have been prospering quite significantly as of late, Klavs and Karde now weilding their blades of war, Fennin Ro added to our killist, and Xegony soon to find herself in different company.

Fennin Ro The Tyrant of Fire Fennin Ro The Tyrant of Fire

Loot consisted of Ifir, dagger of fire, Earring of eternal flame and a pair of plate leggings.

Ifir, dagger of fire Earring of eternal flame

Timmok has for this weeks quote galore composed various utterings for our enjoyment, they can be viewed by clicking the following picture


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