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Just a small little update before I go to bed: tonight Raging Fury has beaten the newest addition to the 19th expansion, which has been given the ominous name Shadow of Fear.

While this is not a new expansion, but only the next tier to the previously released Rain of Fear, I still would like to congratulate every member of RF for finishing it as first guild on Antonius Bayle and sixth serverwide.

Considering the fact that it consists of only two raids which aren't particularly challenging the bragging rights are rather tiny, but nonetheless it feels always good to be the first again after a break.

Let me congratulate all who finished before us (sometimes the timetable isn't in favor of the Euro guilds) as well as Shadows of Doom, who finished about half an hour after us.

As usual a "Thank You" is in order to those who got the necessary tasks and missions done to get us the raids as well as our raid leaders and members of the strategy team to get the events pinned down fast.

Let me finish with a picture of the victorious force and Luclin herself:

RF + Luclin on her Throne

Let the farming continue until tier 4 comes out!

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