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02.05.2008 The dragons lair by Dalrek

I guess it is time for another overdue update to replace the april's fools one. At first we didn't really have much to report since we were just farming MMM for more flags until we could safely enter Crystallos. So originally I was just going to make a small update that everything was going as planned and we now had MMM down to a one day farmstatus and post a little lockout picture

Lockout Timers

But before I got around to that, we had already started our first raids in Crystallos, so I figured I might as well delay the update a little and wait until we had some nice screenshots and hopefully a victory in Crystallos to show instead. So we ended up clearing Fire wing after playing around with Tjudawos for a couple days

Chief Researcher Entharr Tjudawos the Ancient

And not only that. We progressed a little in Earth wing also and I decided I might as well wait until Earth was down also instead of having to make an update soon after again. Ofcourse we ended up taking down Kildrakaun and clearing Earth

Keeper of the Stones Kildrukaun The Ancient Prophet

Next up was Ice wing. Again we rolled over the first event and then needed a bit of tuning and learning on the final dragon in this wing, but he went down eventually

Aar`Kol Zeixshi`Kar

Now we have started working on what seems to be the major hurdle in the zone; Vyskudra in the Air wing. He seems to be quite challenging at the moment. Then again, so does most stuff until you figure it out, so Im hoping it wont be too long until we can present you with a screenshot of his corpse. Crystallos has given us quite alot of nice items, so I will end this update with a selection of some of the loot that we have gotten in the zone so far in addition to the armor core upgrades.

Bauble of Prismatic Flame Veil of Draconic Study Pauldrons of Legendary Conquest
Circular Magmatic Disc Blood-Crystal Stone Magma-Studded Earguard
Chain Gorget of the Scaleborn Spaulders of the Ancient Warder Prismatic Rune of the Fallen

Feel free to check back frequently. There should be another update coming soon hopefully

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