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I am proud to say we are back in full force. For todays event we had 63 people online after adding another excellent batch of recruits and also cause the Raging Fury army was smelling victory approaching.

We are a pretty well balanced guild and always have been. Always had a great cleric team and super supportclasses. Add to that a strong tank team and because of sisters, now also a fair deal of dps and you have a nice mix of classes that should be able to deal with whatever you send at us that doesnt just focus on one thing. We have tried to balance our raids between farming TSS and progressing in TBS while slowly getting a few keyclasses that we lacked. Result is an all-round wellgeared guild and Solteris will get a taste of what we are like when we get rolling

When we did the sister event, I could have sworn that was probably one of the toughest events I had ever seen. Ofcourse, by then I hadn't seen the Aprosis event yet. I was a bit discouraged by our first attempts on Aprosis. So much chaos. Soemhow we succeeded in controlling this chaos and I have a newfound respect for our mezzers and offtank team. It didn't take us nearly as many attempts to get this down as we had on sisters. Maybe because you dont have as strict a timer and you can choose to go less dps and instead go in a bit more controlled manner. For a guild like ours, this is perfect. We ended last week with a wipe to Aprosis with him being at 0%. So atleast we knew it was doable with some luck on the random generator on adds and a very tiny bit of tuning the final stages. Most importantly, it was doable without any cheesy tactics. Just straight up oldschool tanking, healing, mezzing and alot of praying for good luck. So today we went back, determined to finally put Aprosis and his henchmen behind us. After a couple of "warm-up" runs, we decided to push our dinnerbreak back a bit for another attempt while we were focused. Good decision. Orc went well, adds went smooth and even Aprosis settled in after a bit of a rough start. Slowly, but steady he was going. Can't say it was flawless since I was among the Dead myself and not just mages and halflings on the casualtylist, but it was a a nice run that brought the adrenalin up and even at 10% there was the risk of a wipe. Quite a rush. And from the screenshot below, you can see the relief and sense of accomplishmen these kind of fights bring


I must admit I was a bit busy during the event, so didn't have alot of time to stop and enjoy the scenery and take pictures. You will have to settle for one very Dead vampire and the winning team that was online today and took him out in an amazing display of teamwork

Aprosis the Fourth Confidant Team

Congratulations to Sidarx and Kikthin on their new gauntlets

Sanguine Energeiac Plate Gauntlets Pristine Energeiac Plate Gauntles

And likewise to our two stabbers Chapox and Infectorz on their new weapons.

Blade of the Cursed Staff of the Invaders

As always, I will end with the usual recruiting speech. We are lucky enough that we dont have to hunt down people, but are getting a nice steady stream of people interesting in joining our great guild. Most spots have been filled, but I do believe we still have a few vacant spots for specific classes like a wizard, an enchanter, a berzerker to name a few. You are able to see the full list Here! Servertransfers are welcome to apply, we have quite a few of those and have good experiences with it. Please send us your info either as PM or preferably via e-mail here:
Apply! and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also contact Illandra, Abadonn or Sharifa as well as any officer online.

12.06.2007 Yes, you heard right! by Dalrek

Just a brief update to confirm that we did indeed kill the Balreth event in Solteris just a couple days after Aprosis went down.

Rear Guard Captain Balreth

I will keep this short for two reasons. I think the Aprosis update is still bigger news and deserve the spotlight a bit longer and second I think we will see an update about a Dead event 4 before too long and Im too lazy to do 3 updates so close together.

So stay tuned for more

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