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23.09.2005 Welcome to Dreadspire! by Nineveh

Sendaii the Hive Queen is Dead and the path to Dreadspire has been revealed, although the two events are not necessarily related.

Deadspire Deadspire
Deadspire Deadspire

19.09.2006 Raging mushrooms! by Dalrek

Ahoy landlubbers! Finally the big day has arrived. Wash your eyepatches, grab your cutlass and your favorite bottle of rum, "International Talk like a Pirate Day" is here! Oh, and The Serpents Spine expansion goes live today too.

It's been a while since our last update, but hopefully it will not be quite as long before our next. What have we been doing for the past 3 months since completing PoR you ask? Mainly we have been pillaging and plundering Demi-reef of Blood and Deathknell Island over and over, but once we got the opportunity to try some new scenery, we pulled up the anchor and set sail for TSS beta. I must say I am impressed by the determintation of the Raging Fury crew. Showing up on beta with no promises of Sweet treasure day after day, is in my humble opinion what seperates this guild from alot of others. It is the willingness to keep going that has made it possible for us to achieve many a serverfirst in the last expansions. Ofcourse the chance to influence the future means alot and I am happy to inform that we have some important stuff going live with this expansion, which has not been mentioned in todays patch message. First and foremost: New illusions! Also please note the nice feature on beta that allows you to see past peoples normal server titles and showing their true nature, revealing people who love Coco Puffs, Lost Beastlords and even Tonfa Queens

Raging mushrooms

Now we are back and ready to make some mobs walk the plank on good old Antonius Bayle. We have a full bloodthirsty crew ready to unleash hell upon TSS. The next weeks will bring much carnage. Grinding is back, new levels and AAs to be gained, new spells to be obtained, new flagging to be done and then we will emerge victorious as always, giants and dragons alike Dead at our feet

Like I said, we have a full and strong crew at the moment. But if you think you have got what it takes, we always have room for a few exceptional players. Exceptional meaning high raidattendance, wellgeared and highly skilled players. As comparison, the average hp in Raging Fury, all classes included, is above 13k, and the average AA count is above 1200. So anguish gear and 500 AA isnt exceptional and wont cut it even if 500 AA is usually enough for some classes. We might consider DP/DK/RZ geared players with MPG trials and DoN AAs done, good 1 group farmable augments and other indications that you are dedicated to the game though. Send a tell to Illandra in game, email her on or use our PM function. The perfect time for joining is now before we get too far into flagging for the TSS endzones

As we all know, switching guilds and maybe even server like alot of our members did, is a big step. I can tell you hard facts about our hitpoints and AAs, I can tell you our average age (educated guess late 20s), percentage of males vs females in guild (approximately 25% girls) and how many US vs euro players we have (50ish% scandinavians, 30ish% other euros and around 10% US players), but some things cant really be explained without letting you take a peak into the daily life of Raging Fury. So to show you how nice people we really are, I present to you.....quote-o-rama!


Thats all for this time mateys! We will return soon with some nice screenshots of Dead TSS critters.

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