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03.09.2007 The Buried Sea finished! by Dalrek

Hell yeah! Raging Fury has completed The Buried Sea expansion by killing the 2 gods Mayong Mistmoore and Solusek Ro in an epic battle. For a couple weeks, we have been clearing Solteris event 1-6 in 1 day, giving us the rest of the week to play with the gods and finally our hard work paid off. I am proud to say we got another serverfirst finish of an expansion, making it 6 out of the last 7 expansions being serverfirsts for us all the way back to Gates of Discord, only missing Vishimtar by 1 day to make a perfect record. Thats a pretty stable performance by the RF team. So now it is time for an update with our recent progress as well as a small recruiting speech at the end of the update


Since we have defeated the event twice now, we have gotten alot of different loot which was very nice. I am not sure what to think about the 2 augments we have gotten from the event also. In my opinion it is a wasted lootslot, but they went for a nice price, so guess it wasn't all bad. Not to mention all he stuff we get from clearing on the way there. Ofcourse the loot itself holds no value compared to the sense of accomplishment when this finally all worked smoothly. I will not be as bold as to say event 7 is on farm status yet, cause it can still cause us trouble if not 110% focused, but it's starting to look better. Most of the loot we have gotten from the event so far should be listed below for those interested:

lootfinalring lootscimitar lootshield
lootbelt lootpure lootcloak

We all know how Mayong and Solusek Ro looks and noone wants to see their ugly faces more than we have to after working on this fight for a while. So instead I present you with yet another guildphoto, complete with the new dwarf models that noone ever gets tired of looking at! By the way, this is where you have the chance to insert your own character, should you qualify for one of the openings we have in recruiting; standing among friends with slain enemies at your feet.


Gratz to everyone present, both inside instance and those who had to sit outside and cheer. You all bring pride to the Raging Fury guildtag. Now we get a couple day of welldeserved break from Solteris before it starts all over when zone repops!

As for recruiting, I am happy to say we have full raids every night and all classes represented. We do however have a rare occasion where we will accept some exceptional applicants in the following classes:

  • Warrior
  • Shaman
  • Shadowknight
  • Druid

Speaking from experience, these openings will be filled very fast, so do not hesitate too long if you have the desire to join us. We have high requirements, but offer alot in return.

05.09.2010 Raging Fury enters Convorteum by Imrahil

Not long ago I have promised the regular visitors of the Raging Fury news section that there would be more groundbreaking totally awesome news soon. OK, and here at RF we like to stand to our promises so I proudly present the following newsflash: Raging Fury has entered Convorteum, the final zone of Underfoot!

Before we were able to enter there though we had to hit some sense into Brell Serilis. Now, what is more fun than hitting fat dwarves or pesky gnomes? Hitting their creator himself for all the ugliness he has brought into the world! I have to admit though that Brell does have some nasty tricks which can make a raid wipe almost instantly. Anyone else thinks that events like bonus experience weekends are mainly invented to give raiders a chance to win back their loss from deaths over the last week? Just kidding of course, I know everyone loves those weekends, it is just the fact that Underfoot has been rather unforgiving and I haven't had to click "yes" to a rezz request so often in one expansion for quite some time (actually I doubt even GoD killed me that often). I am not complaining, I like hard expansions, it's just an observation from a tank class in Underfoot, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, after a week of banging our heads against the walls in Brell's Temple we managed to turn the table and bang his head against the wall until he finally gave in:

Enough of this! Clearly you are strong and determined to ext... I had hoped to advoid this, yet I always knew his creation w...

By defeating this event we had also cleared the last obstacle on the way to the end zone of this expansion called Convorteum. As has been the case in all the recent expansions the zone itself is identical to the group version and it even has some trash, but so far nowhere nearly as annoying as in previous zones like Tower Of Discord or MMM - thanks for that!

After we had cleared the first trash, we were staring at the big golem who is called "The Gatekeeper":

The Gatekeeper

This first encounter in Convorteum can only be described as a "reward mob" for entering the final zone of this really challenging expansion. If you don't play like muppets (and noone able to enter here would play like that, right? Right!) you can't lose this fight. So after a bit of whacking the golem fell to the ground and we had our first Convorteum loot.

With the success from sunday everyone could see that RF was gaining momentum towards the final goal to beat the expansion while it is still current, so on Monday we continued our march through Convorteum. Neither the Stonewarden nor the Unstable Creation could withstand our relentless assault for long and I am pretty confident that we will be able to overcome more enemies in the next days. Don't expect a long news post every day though, I might limit this to the final victory message if we continue with this speed!

A last word for this posting: we have entered the end zone and are in the middle of the final rush to complete Underfoot before the next expansion House of Thule is out. If we keep up the focus and dedication shown in the last weeks then I am sure that we will be through Convorteum by then. So if you want to be among the very few able to say they have beaten one of the most challenging expansions ever while it was current now is the last chance to join our ranks before we are done with it. At the moment we are mainly looking for shamans and clerics, but we have some spots for other classes too, so speak to our recruiters Brilhasti, Illandra, or Nalelini or talk to an officer.

Expect more news with further victories soon - you know we make good on our promises!

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