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24.12.2015 It is the time of the season... by Imrahil wish people around the world a great time with friends and family, a time to relax and reflect on what has happened over the last year. Certainly it is also the time of the year where certain wishes from previous years are repeated, because they simply are precisely what you want to express and so I will just rehash a nice Frostfell message from a few years ago (I think I could be running for presidency with such awesome efficiency skills, couldn't I?).

Anyway, here we go:


To all members of Raging Fury (former and present), to all our friends from other guilds or other games than EverQuest and of course all the people who just like to read about Raging Fury:

I wish you all a happy Frostfell 2015

Enjoy the season of the year with your families and friends, be jolly, celebrate and overall have a wonderful time!

For myself I can only say that while being grateful for all my friends living close by, I am also indebted to EverQuest forever, as it has brought me some new friends from around the world (many of whom I had the pleasure to meet face to face) without whom my life would be so much poorer.

People who don't share our hobby often look down upon us because "it is only a game" and "you should interact with real people more than being in the virtual world", but all I can say is that I am truly grateful for having met so many great people, some of whom I consider among my closest friends. Does it really matter if you live in the same city or even the same country? Being there when you need someone to talk to, cheering you up when you are down and in the same way letting you yourself participate in their lives - that's what friendship is about in my book!

The internet brings possibiLities to our generation that none before has had and from my point of view what could be better than to try to learn about different cultures by the people themselves? Aren't all those "internet relations are not real"-sayers closing their eyes to the new oppotunities we have?

There is a whole world of people to meet out there and during times like these I would like to express my gratitude for all the precious memories I have gotten by starting EverQuest 15 years ago.

Yes, this is a bit sentimental, but what more appropriate time to reflect upon all the great people we have been priviliged to meet over the years? EverQuest still has people playing not alone because it is such a great game, but mostly because of all the bonds which have been built over the years. Some people may leave, but many still stay in contact even years later and that is what counts. have reached the end of the quote...

OK, that was by far the laziest news update I have ever done (and that does mean something), but nonetheless the words themselves are 100 percent true. It became quite clear how many good friends we have made in EQ during our usual December meeting in Nottingham last weekend, organized by Illandra, where once again we had people from different countries assembled to eat, drink and have fun together (and of course to watch STAR WARS!)

While I was in Nottingham my guild was so nice to wait with winning the final event in tier 1 of the newest expansion of EverQuest called The Broken Mirror (TBM). As I did miss the start of the expansion itself (Las Vegas > Norrath, sorry guys), I have simply forgotten to make nice screenshots, so all I can say is that I will put it on my list of New Year's resolutions to make better news in 2016!

Anyway, that's all for this year, enjoy the last days of 2015 and drink an eggnog (or two) for me, time for a last quote from my news from two years ago:

So from the bottom of my heart I wish you all a great time, may you have a splendid finish of 2015 and a great start into 2016!

01.06.2015 TDS beaten by Raging Fury by Imrahil

After quite a few weeks of banging our heads against the event, tonight finally everything fell into place and we managed to beat the last event from The Darkened Sea called Calix Quirinus and Lanys.

Calix Quirinus Lanys

Yes, once again Lanys T'Vyl was used as an adversary, what a novel idea! Anyway I have to admit that in this last incarnation that Darkelf lady was a real pain to fight. There was quite a bit going on (emotes, AEs, knockbacks, liches), but the most annoying part of this event from my point of view were the spark workers (some golems), who had a tendency to attack casters despite OTs using all their tools to get them controlled. I have never found events particularly amusing where certain classes were hindered to do their job properly. Yes in the end we worked around it (also the time between the golems blurring themselves was prolonged in a patch), but nonetheless I find it frustrating when you try to get a mob OTed properly and on a wimp the mob turns and runs to a freshly rezzed caster who didn't do anything to it - sorry, but that is simply retarded.

Whatever, tonight we overcame all obstacles, all those pesky little details which made us abort so often, so in the end we all got us some AA and could cheer:


As usual upon beating an expansion here is a picture of the successful raiders in their glory:

The glorious raidforce

These are only those who were inside the raid upon the final attempt, but I would like to congratulate all the members of Raging Fury on finishing another expansion of EverQuest. While we have dropped out of the top 5 guilds (and actually also the top 10) lately, we still do well enough for such an old guild. While many other guilds on our server Antonius Bayle have fallen over the years, we still stand strong and provide a new home for some of those who would otherwise have been scattered across multiple guilds. Of course it is not always easy to integrate a huge number of new players into an old structure, but after a time people start to learn to coordinate and feel comfortable in their new surroundings, making the guild in total stronger. This has happened to our guild with the influx of not one, but two groups of players from other guilds on the server: Wind of Tranquility and Darkwind. Working side by side for a common goal is the best way to overcome barriers which always exist between rivaling guilds and I think that over the last months our new guild members have come to accept Raging Fury as their new home.

I will write a bit more about my personal verdict on TDS on one of the next days, but I do not want to finish without saying a huge "Thank you" to all of the team who have made this victory possible, first of all our main raid leader Nilzera, but also Rhuurgar who has lead many raids in TDS too. Second I want to thank the other officers Jarasil (great raid leading there too), Vmas (you still rock for doing the pesky RFP snaps) and our newest officer Washu for being a fearless bunny.

Also a huge thanks to all of our new class leaders, to all those people who have volunteered to sit out so we could get the right raid setup and of course to all those who have thrown themselves into the battle doing their very best on every attempt

Last but not least I would like to thank two people who are not members of our guild anymore: Fehu and Dantius. This may seem unusual to some, but both have worked really hard to integrate all those new members, to keep the guild on track and they both have left less than two weeks ago. Your work inside RF is not forgotten!

OK, that's it for now, we are closing in towards midnight, so I will finish this off simply by saying

Well done RF!

03.03.2015 Arx #4 downed by Raging Fury by Imrahil

Dear valued reader of the Raging Fury news: I am proud!

No, not of myself because I managed another update only 5 weeks after the last (I am accepting pats on the back though for such an accomplishment), but of my guild who managed to down the fourth event in Arx Mentis called Principal Indagatrix Lucia yesterday evening.

This event was no "walk in the park" although it takes place in the garden area of that zone, so we did actually have quite a bit of cheering after all those achievements upon the victory:

Arx #4 achievements

Arx #4 cheers

To be honest, I think Pippi exaggerated a bit there, fights like Triunity, Fumerak (both VoA), many of the Underfoot raids in their original form or even Solteris back its day were much harder than this event. Nonetheless it felt certainly as an accomplishment, to which to a huge part the suicidal tendencies of Firiona Vie contributed. Seriously, that lady should get an honorary PhD in Lemminging, she is a real pro in that discipline...

Anyway, beating this took us a bit longer than expected, but not all of that delay is to blame on our admittedly more casual approach (compared to the times when we were constantly among the top 5 serverwide).

As those who are still following information around EverQuest most likely will already know, Sony has sold its daughter company Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) to an investment company called "Columbus Nova", so SOE is now called Daybreak Game Company.

Aside from the usual lay-offs which happen after such changes (hopefully followed by new hirings) there was also a change on the patch times for EverQuest which hurt the Euro players pretty badly. That change alone cost us two raid days, otherwise I think we may have beaten Arx 4 last week already (not that it really matters anyway). Still we hope that future patches can be moved out of our main time again.

Apart from that we are all anxious to see how Daybreak will handle the current problems in EverQuest and if they will rectify some of the mistakes recently made by SOE (namely the so-called "XP-nerf" when players below 100 were grouped with players level 101 and higher and the huge reduction of exp for all zones below CotF). There is no denying that EQ was not given the resources needed to maintain a healthy game which then lead to more people quitting, leaving it with less resources... a vicious circle.

We can only hope that Daybreak (or Columbus Nova) is seeing things from a different angle than Sony and maybe supports the game in a way which actually brings back some of those retired folks and maybe even gains some new enthusiasts. Having more content than 5 progression raids and two so-called "one-off"-raids and a miniscule number of zones could actually help with that. What is a "one-off"-raid you may ask if you aren't in the game anymore? Well, that is a raid you can only attempt one time, the lockout gets activated when you trigger it, not when it is beaten (a bit like Corniav during PoP-era). No offense, but putting this mechanism in on two from only seven raids in total is a blatant and open attempt to make the content appear bigger than it actually is. You can only attempt it once every five days (meaning for guilds like RF once a week) and there is a good chance that some of the stuff you learned you forget again until next week without training inbetween (or there is a change in the raid force with some new members). Now, I wouldn't mind something like that if we had 20 raids of which two were of this type, but when you only get 7, then this is simply an extremely bad and annoying idea which in no way is making raid more fun!

The brand EverQuest should still stand for something, so we can hope that Daybreak may listen a bit more to the players and the devs may also have to be a bit more understandable that people who are not enjoying the game will actually leave. Putting fingers into ears singing "lalala, I can't hear your whines about not enough content, timesinks via spelldrop rarity and exp-nerfs" has cost EQ too many good players already.

On a more positive sidenote, mages got their summoning spells nerfed, about time!:

Summon Pizza Rk. II

That's all for now, folks, the last update should come when we have finished the last progression raid and then I will also give my personal verdict on the expansion called The Darkened Sea (as if you couldn't read it between the lines already).

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