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12.06.2007 Yes, you heard right! by Dalrek

Just a brief update to confirm that we did indeed kill the Balreth event in Solteris just a couple days after Aprosis went down.

Rear Guard Captain Balreth

I will keep this short for two reasons. I think the Aprosis update is still bigger news and deserve the spotlight a bit longer and second I think we will see an update about a Dead event 4 before too long and Im too lazy to do 3 updates so close together.

So stay tuned for more

26.06.2007 Howling at the moon no longer! by Dalrek

One day Kikthin was wandering through the woods in his pink hooded cape on his way to visit his grandmother. Once there, to his horror, he found his grandmother gone and a big mean wolf sleeping in her bed instead. "My, what big teeth you have" said Kikthin and the wolf replied "That's so I better can eat you!". Kikthin screamed "No way!", kicked the wolf in a very special place and ran to the guild hall and gathered up all the Raging Fury troops. Soon we were on our way

After testing some stuff as always and wiping several times, we made a nice little battleplan, wiped some more, changed plan etc etc. Tonight we executed it and you see the result below

Astire's Corpse

Congratulations to Illandra and Kikthin on their new helmets

Sanguine Energeiac Plate Helm Pristine Energeiac Plate Helm

And big gratz to Sharifa and Grynoldy as well on respectively new augment and ring

Tainted Moonstone Shard Glowing Ring of the Pristine Moon

And we lived happily ever after. Well, until tomorrow atleast..

28.06.2007 He should have seen it coming.. by Dalrek

What can I say..we have never been the fastest starters, but once we get rolling, we are unstoppable. I cant even keep up with making frontpage updates like this. Just 2 days after we defeated Astire, the Lunar Eclipe, we laid the smackdown on Irissa the Seer

With our copenhagen RL gathering past us, I guess I can not postpone this update any longer, although I am still somewhat in shock over discovering that Kithin is not really pink in RL and Xack does not have a tail to name just a few surprises!

Actually this is not really news anymore, cause while I was slacking on the update, we went ahead and killed Irissa one more time and even made a brief visit to Commodus, supposedly the toughest encounter in the zone. As promised, I do have a few pictures this time, courtesy of various other guildmembers since I was actually sitting outside in Katta trying to get the Astire update done when guildchat was flooded with WOOOOOOTs from the first kill

First of we have a couple of action shots

irissa1 irissa2

And ofcourse the mandatory guild photo


The Irrissa event gave access to TBS arms and while the whole phospene cluster system allows people to buy lesser armor pieces instead of arms, I do believe that we got some nice Gleaming Energeiac Chain Sleeves for Hohyed, Pristine Energeiac Plate Vambraces for Illandra and Phased Energeiac Silk Sleeves for Fuzzy. As well as 2 x Silver Earring of Ephemeral Healing for Trebung and Aderel and along with that a Black Dirk of Shrouded Fate for Mensox and last but definitely not least a brand new Venomous Fang of the Seer for Calen. All in all a nice round of upgrades

Looking forward to presenting you with some pictures of the Commodus event as soon as possible

19.07.2007 Six down, one to go! by Dalrek

The Buried Sea expansion is nearing an end. Finally we can see the light at the end of a long and dark tunnel as we take yet another step through Solteris. We do so by walking all over Commodus, the Solar Construct. Once again an encouter that fits our guild composition as a very balanced, allround guild and once again an amazing performance after working on the event for some days. We are definitely looking forward to going back and see what new challenges this event has in store for us after the upcoming patch. For now, we take pride in the fact that we have beaten all but the last event in the zone

Once again I was slacking on my tankduties and running around taking pictures instead, just to present you with some of the coolest endgame mobs in the game. But don't tell anyone!

Commodos, Solar Construct

Even though Commodus fell at our feet at such a time where we would normally call it a night aferwards, we decided to go take a look at the final encounter in the zone. Thankfully there wasnt as many mobs towards Mayong as I had feared, so I managed to stay awake even during the trashclearing and snap a picture or two of one of the nicer models and eventually we reached the final event with Solusek Ro and Mayong Mistmoore facing each other. Actually we even took a quick testrun on the event, but I think will save those snapshots for the update when we kill them and finish the expansion. So look forward to seeing that here

Trash Solusek Ro and Mayong Mistmoore

Once again the progression rings get a nice upgrade in stats

A Brightly Glowing Combine Signet Ring A Brightly Glowing Combine Signet Ring

We even managed to rake in a couple of other pieces of loot with Kikthin getting new greaves and Darx getting a new neck. Also Tamarea aquired a fancy new shield: Bulwark of the Firebringer

Sanguine Energeiac Plate Greaves Firetooth Necklace of the Below

So the stage is set and hopefully we will have the needed turnout to finish off the last 2 bad guys despite summer holidays being upon us and we will have another update ready for you very soon

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