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I know I kinda promised a MMM update with a kill last week. Unfortunately it takes more than just promises to make things happens. So instead, we worked hard and finally earned the kill. And not just one. To make up for the delay, we decided to bring you 2 Dead mobs instead. No other reason at all, I swear.

First we have Breakneck, Master at Arms. Alot have been said about this script and I am sure alot more will be said if the script, trash and elevators all remained unchanged. To be honest, I see no reason you have to go through the first stages. The final fight is ok and if it was just this fight in a room somewhere with no popping and depopping, then it would probably be a nice event. With determination, we finally succeeded with this frustrating part of the zone and Breakneck went down

Next up is Krond the Longhorn. Definitely more a traditional type of event. To be honest it was easier than expected and I am not convinced all mechanics are working properly as it is at the moment. Never the less, this doesnt affect our tactics, and with this event being a bit more traditional, it did not take us long to put Krond to rest

Breakneck Krond the Longhorn

Below you see the non-core rewards, first from Breakneck and then we had the luck to get double weapons on Krond. Atleast I think the paladins all agree on that.

Sharpened Steamworker's Screwdriver Cruel Mechanic's Shawl Chain-Powered Longcutter

Next up is working on some of the reportedly more buggy events in the zone. Tactical Prototype XXVII was actually the first event we worked on, so we already have some progress on this. Stay tuned for more next. As always, dont forget to check out our recruitment section. We still have a few open spot for particularly - but not limited to - clerics

23.01.2008 Disco is dead! by Dalrek

Some people think I have nothing else to do besides making frontpage updates, so they made a big conspiracy to kill Tactical Prototype XXVII just to keep me busy

So here it is. I am proud to announce that tonight, Raging Fury took our third scalp in Meldraths Majestic Mansion. Prototype is down and the gnomes went back to the drawing table!

Tactical Prototype dead

Well, that was fast! Only 2 months ago I made the first news post about the latest Everquest expansion and now it is already finished for us, ranking us among the top 5 guilds serverwide the 9th expansion in a row. Congrats everyone in RF past and present on this achievement!

Let me also congratulate those 4 guilds who have finished this expansion a few days before us and I give over to this fellow for a comment on the expansion:

Lord Brekt Lord Brekt Closeup

So, what are your thoughts about this expansion raidwise, Lord Brekt?

Pfah, this bores me.

OK, enough of the rambling, here is the traditional picture of the RF-crew that was in the raid upon the victory:

RF has beaten SoD

For those interested in the lore, this is what our good old friend Zebuxoruk has to say about our restoration of the timeline and the defeat of the invading Discordians:

SoD Final Lore

So, what was the best stuff in the last months from my personal point of view? Probably this:

Sirens Galore

Come on, what guy can not feel flattered when an army of rather hot looking girls is chasing him? Really, I have said it when TBS was the new expansion, whoever did those sirens should be making the new character models, you are my hero!

Not every army consists of such lovely creatures though, here is a picture to proof that you can also get a ton of nasty looking things when you don't focus on a raid:


Of course it might also have had something to do with Pippi's (see her in the front on the picture above?) rather... open mind for weapons:

id duel wield butt plugs if they had good stats - screw the ...

Whatever it was, it sure brought Imothep and Meph closer to each other (that's what you get for being the master of AE agro - lots of deaths and necro love):

oooh yes, meph, pump, me, ooooh yes, yes yes

Judging from his musical taste (not to mention running around half naked in leather all the time), Meemers would probably like to join in:

not as good as aqua: barbie girl, my favourite song

Vmas though is into some other sort of fetish - has anyone called 0800-illusion? Of course there are some limitations even to his collection:

we need more bankspace, 27 familiar, 20 aura, 37 Illusions

So, SOE, if you want to make sure at least one person buys the next expansion: new bankslots FTW!

Sounds like a fun bunch of people we have here in RF? Maybe you think about joining us? There is a good chance for some classes at the moment, one of them certainly rogues:

We had piercers, was no Rogs in beta, right, thanks, so beta...

A slight exaggeration of course, but rogues are on our wishlist at this time, along with berserkers, wizards, clerics and shamans.

We do accept applications of exceptional players from many of the other classes also, so speak to our recruiters Illandra or Abadonn or talk to an officer if you want to know more.

That's it for now, folks, farming months incoming!

05.01.2010 Only a dead bug is a good bug by Imrahil

The new expansion is out since the 15th of December officially, so you are waiting desperately for news from Raging Fury?

OK, I don't want to disappoint you, here we go:
Shortly before our annual christmas break (a few people in RF actually DO have a life outside of EQ!) we went to that overgrown puppy in Brell's Rest and sent it home with its tail between its legs. Fippy never was an adversary worth mentioning, but this incarnation at least provided some resistance looks at the bite marks in his armor. Slack as I am, I haven't made any screenshots, so no more information there..

Would you like to know more?

Of course you would! So the next adversary was a bug army and it had some nasty surprises ready:

Bug army

So after we blasted through the millions (so it seemed) of smaller bugs, finally also the big one woke up:

Big one

As we had some of his nastier underlings also plowing through our ranks, I took it upon myself to deal with this mighty adversary! Look at this picture and you see what I am about to do:


But as we finally turned all of our attention to Mr. Big Ugly Bug himself, we exterminated him easily, thus ending the Cliknar Invasion

Protauris Protauris Sithirhin

So, 2 down, 1 to go in T6, stay tuned for the next news!

PS: We are still looking for a few players to fill the gaps, but hurry, they won't stay open forever.

Clerics, Berserkers and Wizards

are the classes we are mainly looking for, but we have single spots open for some other classes as well, so check our recruitment section for details.

Not among the classes we have currently open? Don't despair yet! We do accept applications of exceptional players from many of the other classes as well, so speak to our recruiters Illandra, Nalelini or Zorland or talk to an officer if you would like to know more ;)

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