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22.11.2005 Tris Wallow III purged! by Nineveh

The festering lycanthrope that had lingered within Tris Wallow III for close to three thousand years was purged for the first time ever tonight on Antonius Bayle as the second tier of the Demi-Plane of Blood lost its diplomatic tactician. Torn from within by the remnants of what was once a brilliant strategic mind, Tris sought to rid herself of what had sadly dissipated her to a state of insanity.

Tris Wallow III's Spirit Tris Wallow III's Spirit

Tris Wallow was a highly interesting encounter, and much to Imothep's (our local champion of lore) approval the lore leading up to this event played a significant part in overcoming it. The reflagging component of the Demi-Plane was also discovered tonight, and a sigh of relief was heard when we all understood that curse progression flagging is a thing of the past.

Several guilds are currently progressing through the Demi-Plane at a fast rate, racing eachother in an attempt to be the first to finish this particular expansion. Regardless of outcome, this phase of the game is in my opinion the most interesting one, as newly aquired loot is instantly linked on a serverwide basis merely seconds after they appear on lucy. Most servers have their fair share of intrigues between guilds battling for the top spot, but personally we feel that you should relish that competition and embrace it for what it is, namely a catalyst that will motivate your guild beyond their normal boundaries. How you get there is equally important to when you get there.

Persuasive Glimmering Serpent Apothic Ring of Evil Elements
Blood Drinker's Fang Drop of Accursed Blood

We are still looking for a few dedicated clerics or dark drachnids to join our guild, if you are either, do not hesitate to contact Illandra in game, or utilize the private message function on our forum. Note that dark drachnids are expected to attend a mezzbreaking course prior to commencing their potential trial.

Just a brief update today for those who like to browse other guild sites and keep up to date on progess.

I am proud to say that the Raging Fury train has started rolling. With the faction frenzy that came with TSS, we decided to go at our own pace and make sure everyone got flagged and noone felt left behind and do lots of this stuff as raids. It may have taken us a week longer than some, but in the end it will pay off in terms of less burnout I believe. One of the things that separates us from others, is our teamwork and I must say I am proud of how the Raging Fury members have banded together and pulled through this phase that left alot of people very frustrated and worried about being left behind.

So has it paid off? I think it is safe to say it has. We downed Stitch as the first on the server and serverwide second. We downed Sothgar as second on the server a couple days after Tide who in return took down Stitch. Nice going guys. Let us show everyone that AB is the place to be for high end raiding!

Stitch Sothgar the Twiceborn

This places us amongst the top 5 guilds to have killed both Stitch and Sothgar and gotten access to north wing instance raids. But that was not enough for us. After entering north wing, we decided to give the first event a go after getting pretty much a full raid inside. Fast forward and the army of Dyn'Leth is scattered on the floor all around us in what can only be described as a pretty chaotic fight. Current status for us at the moment is having defeated the first two events in north wing. Way to go Raging Fury!


Even though the second event for some reason left the corpse empty and no chests popping, we have still gotten a few decent loots along the way to where we are, including the first bow I have actually seen a ranger want in years! I leave you with an assorted selection of goodies from the Raging Fury treasure vault:


Good news! Recruiting is open for selected classes that want to be a part of our fantastic guild. I am not in charge of recruiting and Illandra will be able to answer more correctly exactly what we are looking for, but I do believe 1-2 clerics, rogue, shadowknight, monk and a couple more are on the wishlist. So dont hesitate to send a tell to Illandra if interested

24.11.2006 Recruitment is open! by Dalrek

Raging Fury is looking for more players to join our ranks. In these poker times, you could say we are pretty much playing with a full deck of cards, all colors represented and we usually have the winning hand when we raid. However, that does not mean we dont have room to add an ace or two! Generally speaking, we are looking for demiplane level geared players, with around 800 AAs and high playtime. Exceptions to gear and AAs can be made and each applicant will be judged on an individual basis, but our guidelines should still give you a rough idea of what we would like.

You must be prepared to spend the needed time on faction work, endure numerous deaths breaking into new content and not get frustrated when the going gets tough. If you believe this profile fits you, please take a closer look at our recruiting section Here! Both native AB players as well as servertransfers are more than welcome to apply. Once you make up your mind, please send us your info either as PM or preferably via e-mail here: Apply! and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Feel free to include any extra info you believe will help your application

Ok, Enough about recruiting for now. Ofcourse I could not make an update without fancy pictures and progression updates! Since our last update, we have finished a round of reflagging for north wing Ashengate and we went back and took out Lethar and Dyn'Leth

Lethar Dyn'leth, Firstborn of Lethar

We also took a sneak peek into the Frostcrypt progression line. Even though I dont have any pictures of the major encounters on this side of the progression, you can rest assured that there will be tons and tons of Dead giants very soon

Kangur Vafta Veor Hight Lorekeeper Udengar Dergon

So what are we working on at the moment? The big final event in Ashengate, Lethar and Selay. While a challenging event, others have killed him. Raging Fury will soon as well.

Selay the Brokenwing

29.11.2007 Secrets of Faydwer launches! by Dalrek

Secrets of Faydwer is here. With all the xp grinding, flagging, faction work and bugs that new expansions bring. But also with new scenery, cool new models, places to explore and new mobs to kill So we have been doing exactly that. I think we are mostly done with the levelgrind and the flagging, so now we have started on the monster slaying. And ofcourse we will share our victories with you all. Here is a little glimpse at the critters we have met so far in SoF and who has fallen by the hands of Raging Fury

Big Bynn Spindlecrank Mining Behemoth
Chief Mechanic Clankwrench Octa the Collector

As a nice side effect, the last two times we visited Solteris, we cleared the whole zone in one day with a surprising low number on casualties total Stay tuned for some "real" SoF raid mobs soon!

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