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07.07.2018 The circle of life by Jarasil

It’s called the circle of life, that all and everything has a start and an end.

For the guild Raging Fury all started 17 years ago as it was founded on “The Rathe” server in February 2001, but moved to AnTonius Bayle immediately after the server was launched. None of these first heroes is still active but some of their names are still whispered in stories told on the campfires and halls.

Fast the guild grown up to compete against Mortalis and Darkwind to become a known raid force over all the EverQuest severs. The biggest achievement for Raging Fury was the Serverfirst 1st kill of Mayong Mistmoore in January 2006 and for a long time Raging Fury finished the expansion as one of the best 5 guilds in EverQuest.

The competition on AnTonius Bayle with Darkwind and Tide are long over and many of the former rivals became a good friend and guild member after they joined into the service of Raging Fury.

Over the last years Raging Fury suffered like many other guilds over the decline of the player base in EverQuest. AnTonius Bayle as an European Server has an even harder stand compared to the US severs looking for new raiders.

For the guilds D’Pikey and Raging Fury therefore the best option to sustain further EverQuest Raids and Expansions is a guild merge into

Age of Unity

We all hope that the new founded guild will follow up the history of successful raiding of their predecessors.

Many Thanks to all former and current members of Raging Fury that made this guild something special.


While many of the members of Raging Fury will join Age of Unity, the guild will still keep up the banner on AnTonius Bayle.

All be warned the guild doors are now guarded by Washu the fearless bunny!!!

27.05.2018 Do you remember ... by Washu

the time we learned how to have a party with Drusella in Sathir's Tomb? If not, just reread the information Reneca shared just a few weeks ago

After all those funny evenings filled with Dead people. Our Raidleaders reconsidered their strategy about how to show Drusella the way of piling her bones the correct way. While we have been finishing all the preparations with the needed gifts, we send out our best wishes to Drusella.


After some time our scout came back with bad News, he looked as if death had welcomed him. He said that Drusella is willing to have a party with us, BUT it is not allowed for any of the living people to stay more than 25 minutes in her great hallways. So we had been in need to find some hideouts, and what shall i say ... we found them


sadly Drusella was not amused about that and gave her fellowers the order to hunt us down the floors. These huntings haven't been that funny, many unDead, gnawers and other strange members of THE fellowship came out of their tombs, wich made us run around like headless chickens

headless chicken

After this Deadly contact we decided to come back to send Drusella to her final rest and wipe out all those dusty tombs. So yet the other day we passed by and sat down to give our strat-team the time to develop a strategy for putting the plan into action. All sat around in the corner waiting for their specific orders ... and then there it was, the moment our raidleaders gave all their instructions: The Hailers for the propper percentages have been set and the team of shadowknights have been set on special duty by RL.. the warriors decided to create their own way of having fun…
Hailers RL_order

After solving the riddle of whom has stolen the artifact (which had been Daze and this just for revenge) it was easter for the clerics. They were on duty to put all the parts of the shadowknights together again ... which was not that easy after all those explosions. After they finally finished the puzzle all have been proud of their work and here it is the team that put down Drusella to her final rest for the first time:

the winner

Special thanks to our Raidleaders Eladamri and Koldanar, they had to pull the mass of headless chicken together and sent out their volunteers into death

20.03.2018 Death's in the tomb by Reneca

We had heard the rumours – T2 = die, die, die and die again. We could hardly wait!

At last we were entering Sathir’s Tomb.

Daze decided to give us all a pep talk, in his own, unique way


And for awhile everything was looking great, maybe thanks to Daze peptalk - or despite it.


Hsishi did his best to sort things out


But in the end, most of us died in one way or another


We were soon back for revenge. The clerics made up their minds.


The next try went pretty well


…. Until it didn’t ... and corpses were all over the place.

But that's not going to stop Raging Fury! We will be back for more, so stayed tuned!

Imrahil sits brooding in his study.

He has to make an announcement to his comrades in arms from Raging Fury and he doesn’t really know how to put the words. Nine years he has been their leader, another two years he was in the guild as a normal member and an officer. From his first raid as a recruit on the tainted islands of Solteris to these last events in the new Chardok he has been there for more than 4 out of every 5 events for more than 10 years, but he has grown weary lately.

Overall 16 years of constant battle have taken their toll, especially since the pressure of responsibility (as officer or leader) has been there for most of those years, not only with Raging Fury”, but also with Darkwind and Drachentaenzer before. He doesn’t feel the urge to battle mighty foes anymore as he used to, it shows in his participation in raids as in his fulfilment of his duties as guild leader. His pride makes him want to believe that he is still an asset in the guild’s raids, as a player and as a leader, but deep in his heart he knows that he is not giving enough anymore.

At his prime he was one of the strongest paladins to walk on Norrath, sure in his step and confident of his prowess, leading his guild into battle time and time again. Quite a long way from the young and fresh knight who went out of Freeport 16 years ago to hunt down his first rats before moving on to the orc camps, forced into retreat upon the Griffon’s approach. Following down memory lane he fondly remembers his first break in on the Plane of Fear, when all his small guild Die Namenlose Bruderschaft and their allies could do was to run towards the western area and hope a cleric would be able to save himself to resurrect everyone later. Then the first raid encounter upon the mighty dragon Trakanon in Sebilis with Drachentaenzer, the battles on the ice continent of Velious and on the moon Luclin and the first steps in the Planes of Power. The transport over from the universe of contested and aggressive Solusek Ro to the remote Kael Drakkal, where DT started to flourish, becoming the uncontested leading guild for several years, the last few under his leadership.

Finally the decline of the population had taken its toll and the inhabitants of Kael Drakkal had to flee to the universe of AnTonius Bayle, where once again the competition was fierce. His face shrouds while he remembers about how tough the decision to leave Drachentaenzer for Darkwind had been, although he regained his enthusiasm for big adventures during the race to be the first to beat Mayong Mistmoore in the Demiplane of Blood. Even though Darkwind was beaten to this ultimate goal by Raging Fury he is still proud to have been among the very few who had to face the future demigod in the Demiplane in his very first incarnation.

Then the time of another departure arrived, when he left Darkwind to exchange his officer’s mantle once more for the unadorned armour of a recruit in Raging Fury. He still remembers the frantic race towards the final fight against the gods Solusek Ro and Mayong Mistmoore between the guilds on AnTonius Bayle with RF prevailing once more and how relaxing it was, just to be a normal guild member, only to focus on his own role in each event.

That respite did not last very long though, because somehow shortly after he started to lead raids, became an officer and finally guild leader. Imrahil was not sure whether he had been lusting for power or if it was his feeling of responsibility to step up when needed or if he has simply been masochistic, most likely it has been a mixture of all three motivations which has gotten him into these roles time and time again. He just hopes that overall a majority would judge his efforts as beneficial in hindsight, knowing that there are always people who feel mistreated or neglected when a large group of humans has to be handled.

He has always tried to temper his sense for justice (after all, he is a paladin of Mithaniel Marr) with compassion, but sometimes tough decisions had to be made and while he has never liked to punish (or even expel) members, he has not shied away from this duty either. Remembering heated discussions with some of his officers in the past he is grateful for the last relatively quiet years of his leadership and the overall enjoyable atmosphere in the guild. He really can’t complain in that regard lately, but still he feels tired, so it must be something else, the dark-haired knight muses.

He ponders the real cause behind his weariness and comes to the conclusion that it is probably a mixture of multiple reasons: the burden of responsibility over the years, the feeling, that there is nothing really new to experience and last but not least the departure of so many good friends of old, who have moved into their well-earned retirement:

Xack, the godfather of tanks, the unholy trinity (Illandra, Tamarea and Illona), the “Leader of the Dwarf Legion” Grynoldy, Imhotep the lorehelmet, all long gone, same as his predecessors Dalrek and Obsqura or his good friends Klorch, the polite troll, Ninan, the selfnuking wizard, Spiritbane, the semi-evil necro, Kikthin (Paladin Pinky), Charrok, the perma-dieing bard and Manadasa, the paladin he looked up to when he was an untested knave himself.

From all those who have been in Raging Fury when he joined so long ago only a handful is left today:

Aderahl (then still as druid Aderel), always extra ordinary DPS

Jolene, the friendly bard lady from the unfriendly Universe of Rallos Zek

Bebop, the slow typing Halfling druid with the healing skills to shame some clerics

And or course his officers, Vmas, the private dancer and silent RFP master and Jarasil, the friendliest officer he has ever met, always there when needed.

Yes, he will miss them, as he will miss the other friends he has been sitting together with through one guild meeting or the other: Ismel, Pippi, Suri, Blackjaw, the list could go on and on. He will also miss the friendly talks with so many people from around the world, but he somehow doubts he will miss having to force himself to battle on days he feels no desire to do so.

“I will enjoy my freedom, maybe after some time in retirement the hunger for adventure will rise again” he tells himself.

For now his duty though is to set up a speech to announce his own retirement and to hand over the mantle of the guild leader. He decides to make it short and simple as he steps onto the balcony in the great hall of Raging Fury:

Hear Ye, hear Ye!
All you member of Raging Fury, a new guild leader has been decided upon!
Please raise your voices and cheer for Jarasil!

He waits for their applause and cheers to subside, then adds:

I am sure you will help him to make the job as easy as it has been for me in the last years.

He is glad that he leaves the guild in capable hands and in a stable state, although he really hopes that Jarasil will find some more people to help him with the different tasks a guild like Raging Fury requires.

He finishes his speech with a few final words:

It has been an honour and a privilege to lead this guild for such a long time, longer than anyone before in the history of Raging Fury. I wish you all the best in your endeavours in Norrath and in other worlds and rest assured: I will visit this hall to share stories and laughter again as I will also continue to visit my friends in the other world. For now though I shall enjoy my retirement away from this alluring world called Norrath.

He grabs the sword that bears his name and that of his guild, raises it and let's it fall down in a final salute:


After a short delay now the official news: Raging Fury has finished the latest EverQuest expansion named "Empires of Kunark" (EoK)!

This is a picture of the victorious raid force on that specific evening in all their glory:

Raging Fury finished EoK

The kill itself happened on the fifth of July, but I have only found time to post a short update until now. Anyway, enough of the lame excuses, let's start with the news!

Given the name of the expansion one had to assume that the theme of it would be based on the mysterious continent of Kunark with its Sarnaks, Dragons and Iksars. In that regard the expansion did not disappoint, in tier one we got a raid in Droga fighting Goblins and the other brought us to another clash with an old acquaintance from the ancient past:


While the Droga raid is laughably easy, Gorenaire at least proved a bit more challenging, although still not really hard. The idea of the raid is basically to defend the city against invading forces including Mrs. Flappy herself, but some parts of the raid make it slightly annoying without really raising the difficulty bar...

A powerful lady like Gorenaire can sometimes have certain effects on males though:

Lance is out of power

Anyway, after we had collected the necessary number of flags we moved on to Tier 2, in which all 3 raids had to be done in order in the old Sarnak home of Chardok. Once again the first raid against the Prince is a free loot event unworthy of getting acknowledged with a screenshot (so, you see, this is deliberate, not because I am lazy as hell!)

The second event in contrary was a bit more challenging, the Queen and her associates showing quite some effort to keep us from grabbing their precious treasure chests. The event from my point of view is pretty well thought out, just the influence of the element of luck regarding the spawn of adds can be slightly irritating while learning. Still, a solid event well worth a screenshot (which I didn't really get a good one of, so there is my slackness again!)

The third event in Chardok after Prince and Queen was... no, not the King! Instead the fight happenedto be about something called "Atrebe's Vault" and as someone not bothering much with the story around such things, I have no clue where this comes from (WRU Lorehelmet Imothep?)

This event is pretty nasty, it needs good coordination and everyone must be well aware of their surroundings. The coordination started to get really difficult almost half a year ago though, because on our server AnTonius Bayle a channel lag of 30 or more seconds is to be expected on raid evenings. Add to this a high number of LDs, zones denying entrance and sometimes scripts hanging and you might understand why sometimes we had the feeling to fight with one hand tied to our back - unpleasant! Nonetheless we managed to beat this event, thus opening the door to the final Tier of Empires of Kunark:


The first event in this zone was about handling an amount of hard hitting Sarnaks and this event took us far longer than it should have. Admittedly, with the aforementioned server issues we had to cancel raids early more than once, but still it took us longer than it should have considering we have been downing it with relative ease after that first win. Now, raiding in Tier 3 gets easier with each win there, because more members get protected against a nasty debuff that prevents them from critting, but overall I think we all can agree that we made it harder on ourselves (and especially our poor raid leaders) than necessary.

The second event had a dragon once more and even his eggs (or her eggs?):

Ancient Dragon

While this event didn't tolerate mistakes because of the lag issues very much, we still downed it in a reasonable time:

An Ex-Dragon

See what I did there? I gave you two screenshots from one event, makes up for my lack on other events, doesn't it? Well, OK, maybe not, I might add some pictures later if I take them...

Whatever, we were now only one event away from finishing the expansion and with us being invigorated by the latest success we stomped over it in short time (yes, the third event is the easiest in Tier 3)


So, the expansion has been finished, the farming can begin and that is good, because now the summertime with vacations etc. starts. So everything is good?

I am afraid, but no, not everything is good. The technical issues on our server have been going on for far too long, first it took months to even get an official acknowledgment that there even ARE issues, but since then we are still waiting for a real improvement. Add to the already mentioned problems that all major guilds on AB have had their Grand Guild Hall swept clean of every item at least once and you may understand why many people feel frustrated, ignored and outright appalled by the lack of support from Daybreak. A game for which you pay every month needs to work properly, if that is not the case then people won't pay for it anymore, plain and simple. I have said before and I will not change my mind: if these issues aren't solved when my account runs out later this year, then my time in Norrath will finally come to an end.

Before I finish I want to thank those responsible for keeping Raging Fury still raiding after all these years, first of all our raidleaders Jarasil, Nilzera and Odysias. Without you guys there would be no successful raiding from this guild and you guys only rarely get the appreciation which you deserve! I also want to thank the other officers of the team Vmas for still doing RFP snaps and loot after all those years (when he is there and not jumping around with beautiful girls ;)) and Washu, the cuddliest Bunny-Shadowknight on the server!

Of course I also want to thank all the others who are helping one way or another, be it by helping in the strategy channel, by working on audio triggers (lots needed in EoK), making tank lines or just being there and doing their job focused and efficiently without complaints about the umpteenth death - in short: the core of Raging Fury.

For now I will finish off by telling all you online gamers out there that there are other things than just gaming, so keep your priorities straight!


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