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What can only be described as the most variable time clearing as of yet, ended with the slaying of Quarm tonight, concluding the planar progression for Raging Fury.

The first day commenced with barely stumbling through the initial trials. succeeding with what could only have been 30 seconds worth of margin. The first challenge that awaited within phase 4 was Tallon Zek, and despite several premature deaths, we ended up victorious. Vallon Zek proved himself to be the challenge of phase 4 once again and promtply bested the guild three times in a row prior to us calling it a night.

On the second day however, the guild was all but revitalized as Vallon Zek died easily on the first attempt of the day, followed by a swift clearing of what remained in the fourth phase,in other words Terris Thule and Saryrn respectively.

The fifth wave was cleared in record time, Innoruuk fell sans troubles followed by a flawless vanquish of Cazic Thule. The fight against Rallos Zek was reminiscent of our first encounter with the god of war, and the night ended with Bertoxxulous being slain.

Quarm was in other words the sole challenge remaining within the plane of time for our third day, and having merely attempted the beast twice prior to today, expectations were high, tactics new and untested. As the fight endured and the first two heads dissipated, it seemed our tactic was working as intended, and belief that we would actually end up victorious spread throughout the raid force. Though close to 30% our maintank was slain, followed by a brutal genocide from Quarm's remaining duett.

A battle without comparison transpired the last two minutes, and nothing short of pure will and devotion secured the victory as Quarm was slain on the nights first attempt. The following lore was obviously the highlight of the evening, though Citrua, Tingle and Yrgass walked away with a new shoulder, bracer and earring.

Quarm slain Quarm slain

The last challenge within the planes of power has been completed prior to the release of the Lost Dungeons of Norrath, and hopefully there will be new challenges residing within the new expansion.

Quarm slain Quarm slain

Eppels hit Quarm for 235 points of non-melee damag

Innoruuk was the first deity to fall this evening, and thus all of the gods in phase five had been bested, though not during the same clearing. Eager to see the much anticipated lore... Cazic Thule fell next in a sub par performance. In our prior update, Rallos Zek was somewhat humiliated and stamped as being the weakest opponent we had to far encountered in The plane of Time. The God of war was most definately out to prove otherwise tonight as he slaughtered us easily twice in a row, leaving the guild rather baffled considering how the previous meeting with this particular mob had ended.Third time is the charm though, and with Rallos Zek defeated, this time with his dignity intact, the following decay of Bertoxxulous opened up the gateway to the coalesced monstrosity of the planar deities, namely Quarm. Cudos to the god of war for his efforts!

Having reached the final encounter Everquest at its current stage has to offer, Quarm was obviously given a test run, though surprisingly enough, no corpse shot as of yet. Our attempt ended at 79%, in other words a work in progress.

Quarm Quarm

Innoruuk was to find himelf the sole habitant of the fifth tier of time as Raging Fury swept through three quarters of the deities on the same day.

Cazic Thule, second god to grace the face of Norrath was the first to fall, and minor adjustments to our tactics from last nights attempts were more than sufficient to secure a comfortable victory against the god of fear amid his auras and facless shrieks.

Cazic Thule Cazic Thule

Ralloz Zek, sans his warlord title, was the next expected challenge, and to our surprise, this encounter was, bar none, the easiest we have so far stumbled upon within the Plane of Time. Planar transgression has obviously weakened the god of war, when compared to his original state within the Plane of Tactics.

Rallos Zek Rallos Zek

Last but not least, Bertoxxulous the god of disease had been given some interesting attributes which made this fight one of the more enjoyable so far. Post an attempt experiencing area of effects, Bertoxxolous fell on the second charge. Personally I was not present for the second attempt, thus pictures are not available.

Loot information can be found here.

Apologies for the lack of updates as of late, though unfortunately real life occurrences have prevented me from actually writing this way overdue news update. Since obtaining access to the illusive Plane of Time, Raging Fury has progressed rather well in regards to the challenges residing within the final frontier of the Planes of Power. The first three stages in the Plane of Time were completed sans onerous efforts, and both Terris Thule and Saryrn were bested with ease in addition to the first of the Zek brethren, Tallon. Vallon Zek proved himself to be the first real challenge of the zone, though through extensive testing and numerous learning attempts, access to the fifth phase was obtained tonight. Cazic Thule was chosen as the first target of the fifth phase, and post the stage of enrage, the god of fear still managed to emerge victorious in his first encounter with Raging Fury. As I've personally have not been present for any of these encounters, pictorial material is highly limited, however Scoop managed to locate his screenshot hotkey on several occasions, in other words providing all of the graphical aspects of this posting. For detailed loot information click here.

Plane of Time Plane of Time

04.08.2003 Better late than never by Nineveh

Darladir finally sent me the full size pictures from the gathering, and they are both available for public viewing here.

Gathering Gathering

advised both are rather large, thus discretion is advised for modem users. Ragrax was cleansed once again today in an encounter I personally did not attend, though rumor has it the duration was less than two hours, which is most definitely an improvement from our prior experiences. Exploration of Time soon to come.

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