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27.05.2004 Cynosure Kvanjji slain by Nineveh

Cynosure Kvanjji fell within Qvic today after having bested our guild twice with the aid of his persistant arbitors. Personally I found this encounter rather enjoyable as it differs somewhat from the traditional fighting pattern. Far from certain we applied the correct approach for this particular fight, we still ended up victorious.

Cynosure Kvanjji slain Cynosure Kvanjji slain

Our visists to Inktu'ta has yet to yield any progression unfortunately, as our latest expedition crashed moments post slaying Kelekdrix. Believe it or not, Gyldendahl actually managed to die on top of the corpse, removing any pictorial value, thus address potential complaints his way should the need arise.

Bards are still encouraged to apply, both cross server and local applications. Check our forum for further details, or contact Nineveh in game.

Having recently completed a reflagging round of Kod'Taz, consisting of Uqua and The Altar of Destruction, we were in a position to critically select an essential playerbase, a reciprocal to our prior attempts with a raidforce numbering in the high 40s. Kelekdrix himself has at this stage become routine, and the encounter was all but an epitome of success.

Despite quite a few directionally challenged members, the following stonemite event was also completed sans too much adversity, opening the path once again to the infamous cursebearers of Noqifuel. Arriving adequately prepared since our last defeat, refined tactics and preparation secured our progression through this unique part of Inktu'ta, introducing us to Noqufiel himself for the first time.

Noqufiel slain Noqufiel slain

The final endeavor literally caught us by surprise causing both confusion and chaos, leaving Noqufiel victorious merely minutes later. The approach was slightly changed, and as the battle lithely continued, realization of victory dawned upon those present in the unmasked chapel, though sadly, a druid managed to secure the ending blow.

Noqufiel slain Noqufiel slain

Detailed loot information can be found here. Further news to follow from the leading zone in regards to interiour and decoration within Taelosia, namely Txevu. A popular saying claims that everything changes, though through the following two Azeri quotes, we intend to disprove that theory. The first quote occurred during a Plane of Fire raid aproximately 15 months ago, while the latter one originated in Qvic last week.


pop sec


SS plz

Nine gets PMS when we wont do Tunare :/

tell timmok for ss, he will coordinate the ss list

someone can cure Aura of Destruction?

Bestow DA on Timmok

i believe the pet is as seless as its owner :|

17.06.2004 Txevu exploration by Nineveh

Our exploration of Txevu has barely commenced, though despite limited time within the zone as of yet, far from aided by the sporadic server patches, the Ukun Bloodfeaster event was completed yesterday evening. Stonemites appear to be a trendy part of high end taelosian content, and I personally doubt we have seen the last of their all but annoying presence.

Txevu exploration Txevu exploration

Generally, a rather uneventful week, despite managing to pull the fifth phase in Plane of Time to the lair of Terris Thule. For further inquiries on this particular exploit, feel free to contact Zorrbald! In an attempt to entice the viewers of this page to return in the imminent future, I will disclose the fact that our homepage is currently being revamped, hopefully ready for display without too much ado. In addition a new newscript will enable others to update the news, liberating the readers from my drivel.

Ganadil has been slain by Derakor the Vinidcator!

norway = canada?

maybe we need 7 people on NE corner, 5 people in SE corner, ...

I logged on an hour ago and saw low number.. was dissapointe...

wtf i ran past portal and end in PoFear

19.06.2004 Sandgarden completed by Nineveh

The second trial of Txevu is commonly known as the Sandgarden, this highly innovative name originated due to the fact that the room housing this particular event is covered with, you guessed correctly, sand. Based on the lore triggering this event, I personally feel something reminiscent of the gladitor aspect wouldbe more suiting, nevertheless, Sandgarden it is, and without further ado, this ordeal was completed tonight.

Having our champion successfully complete his battle against the infamous Runt, the two familiar faces displayed in the first picture graced us with their lithe presence in the arena. Numerous hours were spent amid not less than two servercraches, though each attempt yielded important information concerning the key to winning this encounter.

Sandgarden completed Sandgarden completed

Merely two days have passed since our last update, thus people have not been given a proper chance to display their unmatched humour. Until such a time arrives, I give you, Jander Iwsforfood in addition the loot of Ixt Hsek Syat.


Forlorn Mantle of Shadows

24.06.2004 High Priest Nkosi Bakari slain by Nineveh

High Priest Nkosi Bakari fell within the caves of Txevu tonight, in what was confirmed by developer Rashere to be a serverwide second kill of this particular mob. Having literally spent every available raid night in the High Priest's all but charming presence, this was without a quiver of doubt, the most challenging adversary we have ever defeated, though also one of the most entertaining.

High Priest Nkosi Bakari slain High Priest Nkosi Bakari slain

Twenty minutes post the point of engage, a weary raidforce was seen uttering a display of euphoria knowing their week long dedication to this sole event had yielded access to Zun'Muram Tkarish Zyk. One attempt, merely for educational purposes, was made against the gatekeeper of Tacvi, though suffice to say, we hardly dented the monstrosity. Albeit being a unique high end weapon, the monk staff had far from a noteworthy appearance, however, having received inquiries, behold Karde in all his... glory?


Staff of Revealed Secrets Verge of the Mindless Servant Bow of the Whispering Wind

Congratuatlion on the kill guys. I just swung by to make sur...

always number 2, first server now serverwide :(

Yes, that's on the second time its died and the first time i...


04.08.2004 Zun'Muram Tkarish Zyk slain by Nineveh

The guardian of Tacvi fell tonight amid the remnants of his two inquisitors and the elusive ritualists. Many a night has been spent within these chambers attempting to complete what might possibly be the most poorly designed encounter on the Taelosian continent. Rendering litterally 75% of the raidforce useless during parts of this event, is far from what makes this game enjoyable.

Zun's somewhat limited availability postponed our way overdue legitimate entry of Tacvi, though hopefully tonights endeavor should grant peace of mind to the swedish shaman community. We have also made solid progress with the first encounter in the seat of the slayer, thus I fear having to write another tidbit rather soon.

Zun'Muram Tkarish Zyk slain Zun'Muram Tkarish Zyk slain
Aegis of Discord Kaftan of Embroidered Light
Wristband of Chaotic Warfare Muramite's Heavy Shackles


U sure? Not going to offer Raing Fury another chance at me. ...

Uqua tomorrow or? tomorrow is thursday :p

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