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04.10.2004 Three new epics completed by Nineveh

Nothing noteworthy to report progression wise, though as my last update was all but lacking in regards to eyecandy, I give you Uren and Myrian, respectively wielding the first bard and druid epic on Antonius Bayle. Also worth noting is Elrriks completion of the warrior epic, which most definitely needs a graphical overhaul.

7. Epic - Uren 8. Epic - Scion 9. Epic - Elrrik
Boots of Shifting Time Ring of Fluid Perception

03.10.2004 Mastery of Tactics completed by Nineveh

The Projection of Tactics trial was successfully beaten today after numerous learning attempts. Many an oaf found themselves aptly struck down by Kyvs with an accuracy that even outshone Anthas's performance. For reasons beyond my comprehension I was selected as one of the Kyvs primary targets, and unfortunately spent most of this encounter attempting to evade quiver after quiver, deeming the visual aspect of this update to be somewhat lacking.

You have successfully survived the trial of Foresight.

Cudgel of the Watchful Dragorn Twisted Crown of Consciousness

01.10.2004 Mastery of Power completed by Nineveh

Post the last update we ventured into Tacvi in hopes of overwhelming Pixxt Kretv Kraxt with our newly obtained level 70 raidforce, though much to our disdain, five mere levels was far from sufficient to best this highly disconsolate encounter. Despite not defeating the fonetical impossibility, we made solid progress and managed to endure the infamous fourth wave of hatchlings. Hopefully there will be an obituary to read here shortly.

Onwards to more enjoyable news. The mastery of power was completed today, in what was practically an epitome of success (phrase chosen merely to appease Timmok). A fair amount of tactical discussion resulted in a plan which seemingly worked without flaw as we haughtily enforced a rather dubious play nice policy against the blithely unaware kunark raid force.

Mastery of Power completed Mastery of Power completed

You have successfully survived the trial of Corruption.

Bracelet of the Corrupter Specialist's Green Earstone Cord of the Malcontent
Howling Blood-Stained Bulwark Bonecleaver

We also finished two new class epics, namely the enchanter and cleric one, Zourite and Einon respectively posing alongisde Zorrbald, who was thoroughly upset for being left out of the last update.

4. Epic - Zorrbald 5. Epic - Zourite 6. Epic - Einon

26.09.2004 Omens of War exploration by Nineveh

Aproximately one and a half week into the expansion most of our guild have breached the level 70 barrier, and without further ado, our exploration of discord commenced tonight within the Muramite Proving grounds. So far these guild trials have proven themselves to be highly innovative, offering both a challenging and enjoyable raid event. Our first completed trial was the test of specialization which was completed sans too much adversity on our second attempt, though admittedly, the lockout timer on these trials can be somewhat of an annoyance. Shortly thereafter we attempted the trial of power, and I think that I speak for the entire guild when I proclaim this to be one of the best encounters ever made in Everquest history. Play nice policies definitely come into play as you attempt to best a guild equipped in full old world planar armour and their original epic weapons. Sadly these remnants of a lost age proved to be beyond our abiLities tonight, though hopefully we can prove worthy adversaries should we meet anew. The test of adaption was next on our agenda, and already some tendencies from the GoD expansion became evident as we bested our second trial of the day.

Master of Speciliazation Construct of Power
Supple Slippers of Transformation Construct of Fire

You have successfully survived the trial of Specialization.

You have successfully overcome the trial of Adaptation.

Gauntlets of Singular Mastery Brute's Gaudy Shoulderspines Supple Slippers of Transformation
Belt of Inevitable Conversion Deathlace

New epic quests were also introduced with the Omens of War expansion, and like many a guild we have gotten a few of them completed, namely the Shaman, Wizard and Beast Lord one. Zorrbald has also wielded his new weaponary, though I had not been able to catch him online for a brief photo session, thus we will have to manage without the latest iksar fashion.

1. Epic - Kunash 2. Epic - Kinder 3. Epic - Nineveh

In lieu of the anticipated Omens of War patch, six of us toyed with the idea of making a dedicated exp team attempting to reach level 70 in the shortest amount of time possible. Once obtaining the first level we decided to continue our session as long as the experience gained remained somewhat equivalent to the starting amount. Personally I would never have expected myself to have the endurance to complete such a task, though as the night passed by, we found ourselves still online, the result being Mitnick, Bendail, Nineveh, Myrian, Missbailey and Frezzer being the first six to adorn themselves with the Omens class title, respectively listed in chronological order.

Level 70

09.09.2004 The Gates of Discord by Nineveh

In the red corner, still undefeated after 785 encounters serverwide, the warden of the north, the taelosian roadblock, the phonetical impossibility, Pixxt Kretv Kraxt!

As we draw nearer to yet another everquest expansion, I would like to take a brief minute reflecting upon the most recent one, namely the Gates of Discord. Despite the arduous critic it has received, supposedly being the direct cause of Afterlife, Fires of Heaven and similar guilds throwing in their towels, the taelosian continent has definitely had its moments.

Initially, the idea of deeming six trials a necessity for zoning into Kod'Taz were far from trailblazing following the flagging tradition of the Planes of Power. However it seems fairly obvious that several tuning issues were overlooked when you consider the fact that upon release, merely warriors had the ability to tank these trials, and obviously a cleric to keep up with the healing required. An enchanter present would also increase the rate of success, leaving half the group open to the various classes in need of the trial in question.

Once having gained access to Kod'Taz, these necesseties became more evident, in some cases actually depending on two clerics and two warriors for certain single group events in the zone. Though when a guild became eligible for raid events, the first two were quite entertaining, yet the third trial soon became the complete reciprocal. The test of transcendence was far from finished, and who can forget the infamous brawn, intelligence, wisdom messages that supposedly was more than ample information in order to unlock the mysteries of this event.

Uqua sadly became the next bottleneck, far from remotely possible, guilds were oblitterated seconds post of zoning in, and eventually this was the most obvious cause of dismay amongst the users, causing a mass exodus from the game, and continuous praise for the upcoming Blizzard title, World of Warcraft.

Qvic was a rather refreshing change, no initial bugs, and quite an original encounter found in Cynosure. The flaw of this zone though, was the entrance to the next tier, namely Txevu. Endless trains have been endured from various guilds running through this zone at random, on too tight a schedule to engage in a clearing, followed by a coth sequence. Simplicity at best would be merely adding a portal stone at the Qvic zone in, granting access to the zone in area of Txevu, requiring minimal clearing, though with the requirement of having the Cipher of Txevu to operate it on a regular basis.

Inktu'ta was without a quiver of doubt the highlight of the Gates of Discord expansion, original challenging encounters, deeming the tactical aspect of the fight equivalently important to mere damage output. Having said that, the idea of rendering 90% of the raidforce useless against Zun'Muram Tkarish Zyk is far from what makes the required number of 50 people log on for this time consuming encounter.

Our most recent complaint lies within the walls of Tacvi, thus the opening paragraph. For those of you unfamiliar with Pixxt Kretv Kraxt, guilds serverwide have pretty much agreed upon the fact that she is unbeatable until either the release of OoW, or until developers find it in their time to properly tune the final phase of this expansion, a task which unfortunately is far from the topmost priority at this stage of Everquest.

Albeit the negative aspect has been somewhat overwhelming, GoD has most definitely been a challenge unlike any expansion to this date. I must admit that the developers in general have done a top notch job in designing diverse encounters needing more than brute force. The general consensus still stands though, unfinished content has wreathed a most unhappy userbase, and has directly caused a major part of the old school players to
look elsewhere for onling gaming.

Omens of War will be a welcome change to our raiding agenda, and its contents and availability will to a huge extent decide the future of Everquest, though this is merely my personal opinon. Concluding this rant, I would like to mention the fact that I have personally taken over Reffi's most excellent progression page, and have of late been receiving many an email. Hopefully this page will continue to be the primary source of progression data during the exploration of the new expansion as well. The page can be accessed by clicking here

18.08.2004 Zun'Muram Kvxe Pirik slain by Nineveh

The Zun'Muram bloodline found itself at the brink of extinction tonight as the second two headed monstrosity, and one of the selected models in Taelosia which does not resemble a goat, fell tonight, marking the halfway completion of Tacvi. This particular encounter was supposedly quite intriguing, with various aspects of strategy deemed a necessity to successfully complete the event. Progression appears to be swift of late, thanks to Myrian and Knekker for providing the visual portion of this update.

Zun'Muram Kvxe Pirik slain Zun'Muram Kvxe Pirik slain
Weighted Hammer of Conviction Scepter of Incantations

Two additional named mobs fell within Tacvi tonight, post the dismissal of a thoroughly nerfed Pixxt Xxeric Kex. Several preliminary attempts eventually yielded the solution to defeating Pixxt Riel Tavas, followed, much to our surprise, by a rather easy dissipation of Zun'Muram Yihst Vor, proving to be far less resistant than his esthetic equivalent in Txevu.

Pixxt Riel Tavas slain Zun'Muram Yihst Vor slain

As I was prevented from attending this raid personally, pictorial coverage was secured by Knekker and Zourite, much obliged to the both of you. Further exploration of Tacvi to follow.

Aeagis of Midnight Ring of the Serpent
Deathblade of the Zun'Muram Pendant of Discord

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