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On Monday the 26th of March Raging Fury managed to defeat The Triune God, making us the fifth guild serverwide to finish Veil of Alaris, the 18th expansion of EverQuest. So our streak of staying among the top 5 in every expansion since Gates of Discord has continued once again, which I find quite an achievement. This success is even more remarkable considering the fact that Raging Fury has lost its main raid leader 2 times during the process of learning the final event, but with the help of our raid team we managed to overcome all obstacles while generally still keeping to our 5 raid days per week. I heard there was a guild on Drinal who raided 60 days out of 61 in a row without having beaten VoA yet - I give them an A for effort though.

While I am speaking about other guilds I would like to congratulate Realm of Insanity, Machin Shin, Shadows of Doom and Crimson Tempest for beating VoA before us. Also congrats to Triton who have finished the expansion only a few hours after us, very close race indeed.

Anyway, let's return to our own victory. The event is undoubtedly the most complex in all of EverQuest's history. I don't want to belittle events like Tunat Muram, OMM or Mayong Mistmoore, but the number of phases and mechanisms you have to learn to control is simply incredible. Imho every guild having to learn this event will at one point or another say "OMG, wasn't this already complex enough??"

On the other hand it most definitely was a challenge and beating it felt awesome (followed by a feeling of relieve not having to go here again for another week).

Let's come to some screenshots!

Here you can see a picture of our formidable adversary in his power:

The Triunity

And here he/she/it isn't as powerful anymore:

The Triunity dead

Of course we also have a picture of the victorious force inside the raid:

RF won VoA

As always upon such victories there are people who haven't been online/inside the raid when it finally happened, but who have played an important part during the learning phase of the event. This is especially true on an event like The Triune God which has taken us more than a month from the first attempts till finally beating it, so I would like to congratulate ALL members of Raging Fury upon this success, you guys have done a great job!

Of course it wouldn't have been possible without skilled players like our warrior class leader Xack, the ancient lizard (he has been in RF longer than anyone else who still plays) and his wisdom:

Wisdom of the Ancient Gecko

Anyway, as customary whenever I write news about the finish of an expansion I will add a few comments about the expansion itself. First of all the total number of raids is too low, there is no denying that 14 raids is pitiful considering the fact that when EQ moved to annually releasing expansions we were promised more developer time for content. With the current paradigm of "nothing matters, but the current expansion" every previous raid is more or less obsolete, especially since the decision to let spell foci decay, even from the endzone of the previous expansion. I still think this was a VERY bad move as it leaves the mid-tier guilds with only 4 raids (Argath, Sarith, Lunanyn, Beast's Domain) until they run into a brick wall (Rubak and Resplendent Temple).

On the other hand we have 8 tier 4 raids, so at least something to do for those few guilds who actually manage to beat the expansion. Is it arrogant and premature from my side to assume that there won't be more than a dozen guilds able to beat VoA in its current state, if that? Maybe, but I doubt it. There are simply not enough hardcore guilds left who will overcome the obstacles laid in their way. The complexity and unforgiving mechanisms of events like Pillars, Sepulcher #3 or Sepulcher #5 are simply too much for more than just a handful of guilds. I doubt there are many guilds left in this old game who just take it that they can have a maximum of 2 tries per evening on one event, because the really interesting part begins after 90 minutes. Nonetheless you can't just go on "automode" during the first 2 phases, because playing just a bit sloppy can mean a wipe or a huge disadvantage later on, so the pressure is kept up for almost 2 hours constantly. This is different to former long events and I don't think it is good design at all. Considering that the loot on this event is the same number of drops as on the other (much shorter) raids it is no wonder that many think that time investment vs. reward is not balanced at all.

I really hope that we will get a retuning of many raids in the very near future otherwise I foresee an exodus of players, which would be sad, because on the other hand we have seen quite a few new faces since EQ became "free to play" (F2P). Some of those faces are actually rather familiar, for example one of my predecessors as guild leader of RF is back (with a small namechange) and Dalrek already feels the strong lure of EverQuest again:

The Lure of EQ

Qujam feels that lure too, but of course there are opposing interests to decide upon - Insaneox made his choice as you can see:

EQ vs. Girlfriend

A final quote so you all know how much respect officers in RF get from their members:

Smart Ignore

That's it for now, Veil of Alaris is beaten, the farming starts, and I can only salute my guild for a tremendous job they have done.

Members of Raging Fury you made me proud once again!

03.03.2015 Arx #4 downed by Raging Fury by Imrahil

Dear valued reader of the Raging Fury news: I am proud!

No, not of myself because I managed another update only 5 weeks after the last (I am accepting pats on the back though for such an accomplishment), but of my guild who managed to down the fourth event in Arx Mentis called Principal Indagatrix Lucia yesterday evening.

This event was no "walk in the park" although it takes place in the garden area of that zone, so we did actually have quite a bit of cheering after all those achievements upon the victory:

Arx #4 achievements

Arx #4 cheers

To be honest, I think Pippi exaggerated a bit there, fights like Triunity, Fumerak (both VoA), many of the Underfoot raids in their original form or even Solteris back its day were much harder than this event. Nonetheless it felt certainly as an accomplishment, to which to a huge part the suicidal tendencies of Firiona Vie contributed. Seriously, that lady should get an honorary PhD in Lemminging, she is a real pro in that discipline...

Anyway, beating this took us a bit longer than expected, but not all of that delay is to blame on our admittedly more casual approach (compared to the times when we were constantly among the top 5 serverwide).

As those who are still following information around EverQuest most likely will already know, Sony has sold its daughter company Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) to an investment company called "Columbus Nova", so SOE is now called Daybreak Game Company.

Aside from the usual lay-offs which happen after such changes (hopefully followed by new hirings) there was also a change on the patch times for EverQuest which hurt the Euro players pretty badly. That change alone cost us two raid days, otherwise I think we may have beaten Arx 4 last week already (not that it really matters anyway). Still we hope that future patches can be moved out of our main time again.

Apart from that we are all anxious to see how Daybreak will handle the current problems in EverQuest and if they will rectify some of the mistakes recently made by SOE (namely the so-called "XP-nerf" when players below 100 were grouped with players level 101 and higher and the huge reduction of exp for all zones below CotF). There is no denying that EQ was not given the resources needed to maintain a healthy game which then lead to more people quitting, leaving it with less resources... a vicious circle.

We can only hope that Daybreak (or Columbus Nova) is seeing things from a different angle than Sony and maybe supports the game in a way which actually brings back some of those retired folks and maybe even gains some new enthusiasts. Having more content than 5 progression raids and two so-called "one-off"-raids and a miniscule number of zones could actually help with that. What is a "one-off"-raid you may ask if you aren't in the game anymore? Well, that is a raid you can only attempt one time, the lockout gets activated when you trigger it, not when it is beaten (a bit like Corniav during PoP-era). No offense, but putting this mechanism in on two from only seven raids in total is a blatant and open attempt to make the content appear bigger than it actually is. You can only attempt it once every five days (meaning for guilds like RF once a week) and there is a good chance that some of the stuff you learned you forget again until next week without training inbetween (or there is a change in the raid force with some new members). Now, I wouldn't mind something like that if we had 20 raids of which two were of this type, but when you only get 7, then this is simply an extremely bad and annoying idea which in no way is making raid more fun!

The brand EverQuest should still stand for something, so we can hope that Daybreak may listen a bit more to the players and the devs may also have to be a bit more understandable that people who are not enjoying the game will actually leave. Putting fingers into ears singing "lalala, I can't hear your whines about not enough content, timesinks via spelldrop rarity and exp-nerfs" has cost EQ too many good players already.

On a more positive sidenote, mages got their summoning spells nerfed, about time!:

Summon Pizza Rk. II

That's all for now, folks, the last update should come when we have finished the last progression raid and then I will also give my personal verdict on the expansion called The Darkened Sea (as if you couldn't read it between the lines already).

A few days ago Raging Fury has beaten the final event (Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls) in the newest expansion of EverQuest called The Broken Mirror (TBM).

Anashti Sul at start

Anashti Sul at 5 %

As usual upon such a win I present to you the victorious forces:

TBM won

Actually we won the event 2 weeks earlier, but through an apparent reset bug it was far easier than intended and I didn't want to put it into the news until we had beaten it the intended way. Now I am absolutely sure, that the usual trail blazers (grats again on #1, RoI), have beaten the event on their first go the intended way, because they had learned the on the Beta server. I won't accuse anyone of stumbling across the same mistake as we did, I will simply say that it is a shame that the final event was bugged in a way which made beating it overly easy (not it was very hard anyway). This bug can stand for many more which have occurred during these almost 4 months since the release of the expansion in November. On one event charms happen and what a surprise - they can cause a crash of the zone! Now I am not sure which of the few remaining devs actually remembers this, but there have been events in EQ's history which worked with charm mechanisms and almost all of them caused issues. The current event crashes when a charmed person without a flag dies, so be careful how many people you take in via 85 % rule. Yes, after 1-2 weeks it's not a problem anymore, because everyone is fully flagged, but stuff like that should not happen in the first place and especially not stay in the game for weeks after being reported!

More issues with TBM: Itemization is unfinished, the spells are a joke and quite frankly having exactly one new zone which gets rehashed in multiple incarnations is unworthy of something which calls itself "expansion" (and demands the price for it).

It is rather obvious, that the new owner of EverQuest (Daybreak Group, short DBG) doesn't see current EQ as his main project. Tons of resources are put into building one timelocked progression server after the other, all trying to get people into the game (and to grab their money) while the current content is neglected, players' feedback gets ignored and some devs simply don't respond at all anymore. The fact that a constant loot form the final event (2 very good augments, which are used to build a VERY good mask) has been disappearing for weeks now because of an arbitrary decision instead of simply handing it out the same way as all other loot just shows how far disconncted the current devs are.

Now, don't get me wrong, there are certain positive statements to be made too for this expansion. First of all, that we actually got one wasn't a sure thing and having a total of 10 progression raids was more than many would have thought. There is the process of backflagging which is good and some of the events are not too bad.

There are even a few more events in new Plane of Hate and Plane of Fear, but the hassle of killing for 2-3 hours through trash is not worth it on a regular base. Maybe they should have remembered what made old plane raids interesting: the chance to get items from the trash which were very good (class armor if anyone remembers). Back then, people were happy when a certain group of adversaries were announced, because they knew it could drop their armor. Now it's just a big snore fest.

With this expansion there came a change with the itemization system and to be honest, I still don't understand why this happened. If I had a very small crew and too much work on my plate, I would not put a sizable amount of my work force into an unnecessary reshaping of one of the core mechanisms in the game (and loot IS one of the driving forces!) without any real reason for it. This leads to lame effects like the current situation that the group armor has actually higher AC than the raid armor. Also there seems to be a push towards making grouping mandatory and removing the old paradigm that raiding gives the best gear. If this trend continues there is a good chance that this is the last expansion that you will read the finishing news from a certain paladin, because that is a road I won't go along.

Anyway, back from the gloomy future, let's come to the present. Here are some screenshots of events in this expansion for those still interested in such things:

Akkapan Adan


Anashti of Decay

You might say that the last picture looks awefully the same as the one from the final encounter. That is true, because not only did they reuse the zones, they also used the same boss mob 3 times in this expansion. Talking about "getting an expansion's worth" again, are we? Ah well...

Whatever, as usual after beating an expansion I want to thank our current raid leader Nilzera for the awesome job he has done working out the strategies to beat the events with the help of our strategy team. He is always open to learning new things as this screenshot proves

Nilzera learning something new

I also want to thank the other officers Jarasil, Vmas and Washu for all the extra work they are putting in which helps making this guild run smoothly.

Raging Fury from my point of view has done a pretty good job considering we have not had any beta information at all and Nilzera has made a clear point that he does NOT want any hints from outside sources either. I fully support this stance because that is the only way you can actually learn an event instead of just following what someone else has done. Yes, this means we take a little bit longer, but the victory is ours alone then and we didn't do too bad overall (still among the top 15 serverwide). We still have a stable raid force every night and overall a good atmosphere which makes leading a bit easier than it used to be - thank you all for that!

Of course there are some ideas which might make leading this guild even better:


So, if you are looking for an evil overlord... err wait, for an awesome guild with fun people around, check our recruitment section or talk to our lovely ladies from the recruitment team Illandra or Schalimar

Anyway, The Broken Mirror is beaten, let the farming time commence!

20.03.2018 Death's in the tomb by Reneca

We had heard the rumours – T2 = die, die, die and die again. We could hardly wait!

At last we were entering Sathir’s Tomb.

Daze decided to give us all a pep talk, in his own, unique way


And for awhile everything was looking great, maybe thanks to Daze peptalk - or despite it.


Hsishi did his best to sort things out


But in the end, most of us died in one way or another


We were soon back for revenge. The clerics made up their minds.


The next try went pretty well


…. Until it didn’t ... and corpses were all over the place.

But that's not going to stop Raging Fury! We will be back for more, so stayed tuned!

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